We started reviewing back in 2015, a slow start initially (just seven shows in 2015 and only 30 in 2016) but we were soon reviewing several hundred a year. During the pandemic, many reviewers moved away or hung up their writing pens for good, so we’re now working with far fewer writers. Inevitably, that means we can no longer cover as many shows, but we are proud to have recently published our 2,500th review.
The shows we cover are extremely varied, from pop-up one-off events to large West End shows and everything in between. We review many genres – musicals, plays, dance, family shows and of course panto (oh yes we do!).
So, we would like to review more shows, and for that we need a few more reviewers. The role is voluntary, but you do get to see a show for free (and occasionally may even get a drink!). Our established reviewers are asked to cover at least one show per month, but we are flexible for people who just wish to review occasionally.
You should be able to write clearly and constructively. You also need to be totally reliable and able to work to a deadline. You must also be willing to cover any type of show. All new reviewers will be asked to complete at least one trial review.
We always need extra people to cover in and around London, but we also get invites to venues in many other parts of the country so welcome applications from throughout the UK. We’re especially keen to have occasional reviewers in Brighton, Nottingham, Sheffield, Edinburgh (especially during Edinburgh Festival Fringe), Berkshire (for Windsor, Newbury and Reading venues), Manchester, Cambridge, Bristol, Bath and Leicester.
We are also very keen to find reviewers who are able to focus on children’s and family shows.
If you are interested (or if you know anyone who might be), then please email us with
- a short bit of information about yourself and why you are interested in reviewing
- your location (if London, please state which area)
- examples of any writing work you have done before (if any)
- an idea of your availability (i.e. any restrictions on days you can review)
Send the above to us at
[email protected]
If you would just like further information at this stage, please contact us on the same email address – Thanks!
Click here to see our Recommended Shows page