Tag Archives: Abi Davies

The Dip

The Space

The Dip

The Dip

The Space

Reviewed – 1st February 2019



“It’s hard to resist the fun clearly being had here, but there is perhaps a risk of too much fun at the expense of structure and ultimately purpose”


Looking for a quiet night? This raucous performance from an ensemble of impossibly young talents won’t be what you might have in mind – but the psychedelic charms of The Dip are near irresistible.

The narrative, such as it is, is a trippy look at a night of sexual awakening. But plot is secondary here. The music is standout, with cast members seamlessly instrument-swapping (and, on the night I visited, Sophie Hammer on bass keeping a cool head when the sound tech wouldn’t play ball).

The sweetly amusing ‘kiss’ character at the start (Iulia Isar, who is consistently strong) is an indication of the playful surrealism that lies ahead. The night brings us a life-sized fish, aubergine-brandishing police and not one but two naked behinds. But anarchic comedy works best when we’re given shades of light and dark, and moments without frenzied physicality or high volume. These are pretty hard to come by here; not for nothing are we given earplugs at the start in case, we’re cheerfully told (by a staff member at this wonderfully welcoming venue), ‘we want to protect our hearing’. It’s hard to resist the fun clearly being had here, but there is perhaps a risk of too much fun at the expense of structure and ultimately purpose.

If the night is intended as a look at the complexities of figuring out sexuality and love, the tendency towards too much anarchy erodes the chance for (and fleeting moments of) real sincerity. But this is not to diminish the acting. Max Young does a great job as Nick, offering badly needed moments of levity, and Eifion Ap Cadno – on stage almost nonstop – is an effective protagonist and guide through the confusing parallel words (although it must be said: the on-stage kisses between our male leads lack chemistry. Buckle in, guys!). The cast in general are likeable, each with flashes of real warmth and humour.

Occasional forays into the realm of the totally absurd, such as an awkward stage dresser strewing bunting with a narrative of bizarre sound effects, feel like time lost that could have supported onward momentum. The risk of these detours is appearing self-indulgent; it’s easy to imagine how they must be side-splitting in the rehearsal room, but tough decisions need to be made about what can be justified in a final cut and some emotional integrity prioritised.

And some jokes naturally work better than others – the flatfish character is confused and a little overplayed, with some of the detail of his ‘backstory’ (as much as a giant fish can have one) being obscured with some missed diction (although Nick Mauldin is commendably entertaining throughout). One joke about the incestuous and downright abusive nature of the curious village our hero is stranded in is certainly a misfire, now more than ever, and has no place here.

Despite these occasional distractions, the rollercoaster seventy minute show sweeps the audience along with it and leaves us brushing party confetti from our shoulders. Infectious music and laugh out loud moments? To borrow a phrase from The Dip: baba ganoush!


Reviewed by Abi Davies

Photography by Lidia Crisafulli


The Dip

The Space until 2nd February


Last ten shows reviewed at this venue:
I Occur Here | ★★★★★ | August 2018
Rush | ★★★½ | August 2018
Fleeced | | September 2018
Little Pieces of Gold | ★★★★★ | October 2018
Love is a Work In Progress | ★★★★ | October 2018
The Full Bronte | ★★★ | October 2018
Woman of the Year | ★★★ | October 2018
Little Women | ★★★½ | December 2018
Brawn | ★★★ | January 2019
Laundry | ★★★ | January 2019


Click here to see more of our latest reviews on thespyinthestalls.com


Bricks of the Wall

Etcetera Theatre

Bricks of the Wall

Bricks of the Wall

Etcetera Theatre

Reviewed – 18th January 2019


“it’s immediately apparent that the acting from this energetic cast can’t match up to the plot’s soaring aspirations”


Brexit’s impact will certainly be studied through theatre. There are myriad opportunities for thoughtful examinations and retellings. Unfortunately Bricks of the Wall is not one of them, lacking the nuance required to meaningfully contribute to the debate.

The premise is appealing. I’ll skimp on detail so as not to foreshadow the plot twists in this 75-minute piece, but suffice to say that the night opens with what the programme tells us is a ‘fabulous dinner party in London’ and ends in extraordinary violence.

So far, so interesting, then, and certainly amidst the Brexit chaos it felt apt to see what might unfold in this theatrical thought experiment. But it’s immediately apparent that the acting from this energetic cast can’t match up to the plot’s soaring aspirations. The writing, too, lacks subtlety – especially disappointing, given the political subject matter is so subtle and complex.

Our writer and lead, Sophie Pâris, especially frustrates as Isabelle. The flaws of this character are symptomatic of wider character development issues. She fluctuates between being sympathetic, pleading for calm when tensions run high, and insufferable – gurning, weeping and wailing. The relationship between Isabelle and her husband Neb (Julien Romano) seems equally as muddled and acting is over-seasoned in all cases, with only Romano showing real light and dark. Even this is undermined by an unconvincingly rapid descent into barbarism that sees him floridly maniacal.

The staging also offers no port in a storm here. The set is necessarily basic, and that’s more than acceptable – but lazy shortcuts become distracting. It’s asking a lot of audiences to imagine they’re watching a chic dinner party when shown ‘homemade’ pre-meal nibbles in the form of unpeeled satsumas and whole bunches of grapes. If pre-dinner fruit is a thing, I’m (mercifully) yet to experience it. Silly details niggle; characters bemoan their acute hunger after a day under martial law while a large tray of Ferrero Rocher sits on full view stage left throughout.

Let’s be clear: audiences go into these small theatres (the Etcetera Theatre is above a busy Camden pub) under no illusions. It’s understood that space and budget constraints mean disbelief must be suspended. But help should be given to support these enthusiastic audiences in this and the intimacy of the room, where actors operate almost in their audience’s laps, should be respected. The closing scenes here fail to pay due deference to audience proximity and the neglect of choreography is a mistake.

The movement here feels, well, chaotic, and not in an intentional way. Actors stalk the stage clumsily or untidily, confusing the audience and eroding any steer about who should be holding our attention. Crescendos of sustained, overlapping shouting leave us stumped about what’s being communicated. We understand that we’re seeing a depiction of political and moral panic, but there are ways to represent this that avoid confronting your viewers with a maelstrom of sound and action without apparent direction.

In a week of momentous political turmoil, a night of theatre scrutinising how we got here and what happens next should offer the perfect tonic. Sadly this production only adds to the chaos.


Reviewed by Abi Davies


Bricks of the Wall

Etcetera Theatre until 19th January


Last ten shows reviewed at this venue:
Too Young to Stay in | ★★★ | August 2018
Your Molotov Kisses | ★★★★ | August 2018
Bully | ★★★★ | September 2018
Little by Little | ★★ | September 2018
The Break-up Autopsy | ★★★★ | October 2018
Never Swim Alone | ★★★★ | November 2018
Rats | | November 2018
Vol 2.0 | ★★★ | November 2018
Jailbirds | ★★ | December 2018
The Very Well-Fed Caterpillar | ★★★★ | December 2018


Click here to see more of our latest reviews on thespyinthestalls.com