Tag Archives: Finborough Theatre

Booby’s Bay – 4 Stars


Booby’s Bay

Finborough Theatre

Reviewed – 1st February 2018


“strong production, with the cast doing a solid job at bringing Darke’s work to life”


The sound of seagulls, piles of deadwood, and the genuine smell of fish, help to turn a London pub theatre into a scene of our British coastline. The Cornish coastline to be precise. Booby’s Bay is the first full-length play by playwright Henry Darke and it’s all set within his home county. Darke uses a world that he clearly knows and cares about to create an impassioned, wistful, yet comic tale that efficiently shifts between laughter and tears.

The holiday season is imminent, and so the residents of Booby’s Bay are preparing themselves for the tidal wave of tourists that are coming. Most residents are accepting and appreciative for the influx of people making their way to the remote, picturesque cove, but Huck isn’t having it. He is taking a political stand. Huck, a local former fisherman, is squatting in the empty second home of a city slicker who uses it for only a few weeks of the year. Holiday homes such as this scatter the coast of Booby’s Bay, contributing, Huck believes, to a housing crisis for Cornish natives. As his mother, friends and ex-girlfriend slowly get exasperated with him, it becomes apparent it could be the torment of certain traumatic events from the past that is spurring Huck’s headstrong behaviour. With a world-famous surfing competition taking place along the beach, bringing in hoards of people, it looks like Huck is fighting a losing battle.

Oliver Bennett gives a confident performance as Huck, shifting between his infuriating stubbornness and emotional fragility with ease. Joseph Chance and Florence Roberts show versatility and prowess with their acting chops, having to multi-role a couple of characters each. Esther Coles provides lighter relief as Huck’s kooky, fun-loving mother, Liz, however, it is Bradley Taylor as Huck’s macho mate Daz that really is the shining light in this production. Starting as the jocular jock, full of bravado, we see these outer layers of armour gradually stripped back to discover a much rawer soul, coming to the forefront when Daz and Huck are embroiled in a heated altercation at the climax of the play.

Booby’s Bay is a generous ensemble piece; giving time to unfold the stories of each resident we meet from the seaside town. Director Chris White chose to include abstract transitions between scenes, where the cast skilfully sing broken parts of sea shanties and pop songs, initially proving a compelling shift from the naturalistic style of the bulk of the play. However, the transitions soon turn into strange and awkward to watch movement pieces that linger on longer than necessary. Nevertheless, this is a strong production, with the cast doing a solid job at bringing Darke’s work to life. It is refreshing to theatrically hear about the lives from a corner of the country that does not get noted enough.


Reviewed by Phoebe Cole

Photography by Blerim Racaj



Booby’s Bay

Finborough Theatre until 24th February



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Into the Numbers – 4 Stars


Into the Numbers

Finborough Theatre

Reviewed – 4th January 2018


“the play explores with sophistication philosophical arguments about the human psyche and behaviour”


Genocide, suicide and depression, feature heavily within Into The Numbers, making this a night of difficult yet powerful viewing. It’s certainly not for those who like their theatre brimming with light-hearted fluffiness. Making its European debut, Into The Numbers commemorates the 80th anniversary of the Nanking Massacre in China, whilst coinciding with the Finborough Arms’ 150th anniversary year. As the title and anniversaries suggest, numerical figures are a key feature to this harrowing play, which explores the toll it has on one person who carries the burden of acknowledging hundreds of thousands of deaths.

In the December of 1937, Nanking, the capital of China at the time, suffered one of the worst genocides of the 20th century, perpetuated by the hands of the Japanese army. Around 300,000 Chinese civilians and soldiers were raped, tortured and murdered in the most brutal and barbaric manner imaginable. Flash forward to 2004, American author and journalist Iris Chang, who won critical acclaim for her book The Rape of Nanking, which brought the Chinese atrocity back into public recognition, committed suicide at the age of just 36.

Into The Numbers begins in the form of an authentic lecture and interview with Iris Chang (played by Elizabeth Chan), but soon spirals into a chaotic cacophony between real life and the surreal, as ghosts of the Nanking Massacre begin to haunt Iris. Deeply disturbed yet devoted to her research, the psychological effects of investigating genocide prove to be a fatal one for Iris, as the horrors she unearthed help prompt her gradual mental breakdown and ultimately, her tragic death.

Written by multi-award winning American playwright Christopher Chen, the play explores with sophistication philosophical arguments about the human psyche and behaviour. Particularly, how the incessant images of terror that saturate the media effects us, as well as, whether our fascination with blood and brutality is part of our human makeup.

As mentally and emotionally draining as it is to sit through, it is refreshing to see a production that is so intellectually stimulating. Elizabeth Chan gives a wonderfully nuanced performance as Iris, slowly deteriorating into a frenzied state, succumbing to her existential nightmares. Timothy Knightley equally gives a notable turn, multi-roling between playing Iris’ husband, doctor and interviewer. Unfortunately scene changes at times feel clunky and abrupt, due to these two actors hardly leaving the stage, and Knightley having to awkwardly jump from one character to the next in the blink of an eye. However, this is only a marginal grumble for a play that is enlightening and leaves you overwhelmed by the gumption Iris Chang possessed in her fight for recognition of the Nanking Massacre.


Reviewed by Phoebe Cole

Photography by Scott Rylander


Into the Numbers

Finborough Theatre until 27th January



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