Tag Archives: Joseph Dunitz



Edinburgh Festival Fringe

UGLY SISTERS at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe


“It’s messy, muddy, beautifully chaotic but in a way which feels totally composed and in control”

On the day that The Female Eunuch was released in America in 1970, a transgender woman ran up to its author and one of the key voices in the second wave feminist movement, Germaine Greer, took her hand and thanked her for everything she’d done for women. In 1989, Greer wrote an article in The Independent, expressing deeply transphobic views, entitled ‘On Why Sex Change is a Lie’. Ugly Sisters examines this relationship, that between transgender women and someone who at one point might’ve been considered a progressive icon, in a show whose tone reads not as pure anger but rather crushing disappointment.

Early on, audience volunteers are encouraged to bury Greer’s body, after one of the performers Laurie Ward kills her. There’s a burial. The body is carried to the grave and ritually covered in handfuls of soil. But burial isn’t always a bad thing, as we’re informed ‘burial can nurture’. At other moments in the show, there’s dance, an interview, a sequence where they drink and spit out water at each other, scenes where they give Greer a very respected amount of patience and opportunity to correct her words. Obviously she doesn’t. And they’re just left feeling disappointed. In another moment, probably the most touching in the whole show, the other performer Charli Cowgill invites another volunteer to plait her hair. It takes about five minutes. It’s a beautiful, wholesome moment. Finding these moments of real humanity, of human connection, of strangers just caring for and looking after each other because it’s the genuinely good thing to do, is a real delight in a show which could so easily be just about visceral hate.

There are some great, often funny, often darkly-funny interactions with the show’s Stage Manager, Daze Corder. An electric sound design pulses and pulsates, as the performers thrash or jump or swing their bodies; one of Ward’s costumes, a cage hoop skirt, moves elegantly with her. This is a common theme in the piece, moments of tenderness and beauty juxtaposed with small acts of violence of physical discomfort. It’s visually intriguing.

Beyond the visuals, the content is rich and intellectually layered. Ward and Cowgill take it in turns taking on the role of Greer in a piece which feels like some sort of therapeutic ritual at times. It’s messy, muddy, beautifully chaotic but in a way which feels totally composed and in control; one of those shows that you can spend just as much time thinking and talking about afterwards, and which you may very well want to then go and watch again.

UGLY SISTERS at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe – Underbelly, Cowgate – Big Belly

Reviewed on 13th August 2024

by Joseph Dunitz

Photography by Clémence Rebourg









Edinburgh Festival Fringe

THE SEX LIVES OF PUPPETS at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe


“it really is quite an eye-opener to see how many naughty positions the puppets can get themselves into”

I remember working on a puppet show a few years ago and one of the first things the puppetry director said to us was ‘don’t make the puppets do sex acts, ever’. She’d clearly never seen (or wasn’t a fan of) Avenue Q, and I imagine would be walking out of this show in protest. Clearly, Blind Summit are working with a different team and principles altogether, as this puppet show is pretty much just sex (although actually mostly just puppets talking about sex, until the big puppet orgy in the last scene, where it really hits its climax!).

Directed by Ben Keaton and Mark Down, and performed by four brilliant puppeteers (Lucy Lichfield, Isobel Griffiths, Briony O’Callaghan and Dale Wylde), the show takes the format of a series of interviews-to-camera, set up in a photoshoot studio with a white backdrop, each interview consisting of one or two puppet characters, sometimes responding to a question or other times just talking about their relationships. We meet a varied range of people, from the very posh and proper Dmitri and his wife to Katie and Helen, a lesbian couple telling about their experience of a ‘cum blob’.

Each of the performers are incredibly versatile, taking on different accent and voices and finding the very detailed movement and quality of each of the characters. Harry and Frankie are an older couple from New York, Frankie looking a bit like Edna Mode, with dark shiny black hair which she flirtatiously strokes her finger through when things are getting flirty. It’s this sort of detail which really shows off the skill of these performers, and of their directors.

Of course, the success of this show is also very much down to the design brilliance of Russell Dean, who puts so much care and attention to detail into each of the puppets. From Harry’s long tie which hangs below his waistband to Cockney-geezer Clive’s leather jacket, there’s no item, colour or material out of place. Each puppet moves freely with every slight breath or gesture from the puppeteers, allowing the audience to really forget that the puppets aren’t actually alive at all.

Whilst most of the show plays for comedy, there are also some really touching moments, as characters reveal intimate details about themselves, their loneliness or desires. There are also a couple of scenes which have more serious tones. These sometimes feel a little out of place in the rest of the show, but it’s nice to see the versatility of emotion that the puppets are capable off.

The final scene is a hilariously choreographed puppet orgy, and it really is quite an eye-opener to see how many naughty positions the puppets can get themselves into. If you’re looking for some outrageous puppet comedy, with a little bit of heart along the way, then this will be the perfect show for you.

THE SEX LIVES OF PUPPETS at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe – Pleasance Courtyard – Beyond

Reviewed on 12th August 2024

by Joseph Dunitz

Photography by Mark Down