Tag Archives: Kim Tatum

Dead & Breathing – 3 Stars


Dead & Breathing

Albany Theatre

Reviewed – 21st February 2018


“has a few twists and turns that lay open the divides between rich and poor, happiness and sadness, and belonging and rejection”


I just realised that I’ve only ever seen children’s shows at the Albany Theatre. It has always been brilliant but not exactly a grown-up experience. Walking into this theatre bereft of noisy, excited kids, seemed a little strange at first, but then I got my first view of the set …

The ‘apartment’ in front of me was beautifully put together (by Sarah Booth) with a clever selection of furniture which kept the set simple but exuding luxury at the same time. It was a sumptuous setting for the spoilt, ill and aging Carolyn to wait impatiently to die whilst being nursed by her newest in a long line of verbally abused carers, Veronika.

Jaded and cranky Carolyn is used to getting her own way and desperate for a quick demise. She will try every way she can to convince those sent to help her of her right to choose her own exit time and place. The determined and devoutly Christian Veronika wants to make her client’s last months, as peaceful and comfortable as possible, she’s certain that Carolyn’s passing is the decision of a higher being than themselves.

Equally resolute in their views, they tolerate each other with a grudging respect until a proposition is posed and a dilemma appears. What exactly will it take for Carolyn to convince Veronika to assist her in a suicide?

Two brave performances from Lizan Mitchell as Carolyn and Kim Tatum as her carer make this very sharp and funny script from Chisa Hutchinson come alive. The catty remarks, the sarcastic wit, and their mutual love of colourful language keep you wondering whether Carolyn’s last wish will ever be fulfilled.

Lizan Mitchell gives an easy performance with a confidence which Kim Tatum doesn’t quite match. Yet as the tale of these two very different lives unfolds, revealing a gulf in humanity and acceptance, the performance style is absorbed into the plot, and doesn’t distract from the story.

The play even manages to claw back momentum after an extended silent scene a little over half way through, thanks to the performances of these two women glaring at each other across the stage, and a revelation that may change everything.

Thought provoking in so many more ways than expected, Dead & Breathing has a few twists and turns that lay open the divides between rich and poor, happiness and sadness, and belonging and rejection.

A very enjoyable evening that generated a buzz in the foyer as the audience departed. I look forward to more from this playwright.

Reviewed by Joanna Hinson

Photography by Alex Beckett


Dead & Breathing

Albany Theatre until 3rd March



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