
Jack Studio Theatre

DEPTFORD BABY at Jack Studio Theatre ★★★ “a successful ode to community strength and resilience in the face of larger forces” Deptford Baby is an anarchic, freewheeling, and joyous expression of local pride in the face of the rising tide of gentrification, inflected with the language of Southeast London’s community,

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White Bear Theatre

THE BOX at the White Bear Theatre ★★★ “a good watchable show, with some interesting themes to explore” Brian Coyle’s ‘The Box’ follows Tom (Martin Edwards) and Kate (Sarah Lawrie), a couple with a mysterious box in their lounge. How are the box and the pair connected? That’s one of

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London Palladium

HELLO, DOLLY! at the London Palladium ★★★★ “Nothing seems out of place in Dominic Cooke’s staging of this revival” By interval, while slowly making my way through the bottleneck towards the bar, I’m feeling a bit like the child from ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ folk tale. Only the joke is

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Savoy Theatre

MEAN GIRLS at the Savoy Theatre ★★★★★ “The performances are rich and joyous. It’s hard to take a part that’s so familiar and make it your own, but this cast does it.” In case you’ve been living under a rock, this show is a Covid delayed U.K. premiere of the

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Watermill Theatre

BARNUM at the Watermill Theatre ★★★★ “it’s the songs and the thrill of the circus big top that makes this production sing” Cy Coleman’s Barnum is a big, big-top musical in the small Watermill Theatre proving that size doesn’t matter, as this is a big bold production. The skillset of

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CELEBRATING LIONEL BART at JW3 ★★★ “the star of the evening is Michaela Stern who beautifully concludes the show” “There are many lyrics which wouldn’t get past the sensitivity reader these days” quips Nigel Planer before launching into a tongue-in-cheek rendition of Lionel Bart’s ‘Living Doll’. He singles out the

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Donmar Warehouse

SKELETON CREW at the Donmar Warehouse ★★★★ “a subtle and quiet portrayal of people who feel real and vivid” Not a lot happens in this play but that’s the crux of its genius. It elevates the everyday. It’s about everything and nothing. Written in 2014 and first performed in New

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Minghella Theatre

GLITCH at the Minghella Theatre ★★★★ “Liz Elvin doesn’t give us theatrical fireworks, but something much more subtle and involving” What has been described as ‘the biggest miscarriage of justice in British legal history’ is the focus of this interesting new play by Zannah Kearns. It is drawn from Nick

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UK Tour

THE GIANT KILLERS at Wilton’s Music Hall ★★★★ “This is a story of flat cap versus top hat, the salt of the earth against the posh and toffee-nosed and it’s firmly on the side of the underdog” Falling firmly in the middle of the off-season with only the European Championships

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Omnibus Theatre

HASBIAN at the Omnibus Theatre ★★★★ “This is an impressive play with real heart” Has-bian. Slang for someone who ‘was’ a lesbian. But what does that really mean? Society’s understanding of sexual (and gender) identity has become more fluid in recent years. The binary of gay or straight is being

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Wyndham’s Theatre

NEXT TO NORMAL at Wyndham’s Theatre ★★★★★ “as close to extraordinary as is physically possible” Many years ago, as a young father, I often interrupted my children’s playtime by asking what they were doing. They never thought it an intrusion – always happy to answer. One particular day, in response

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Park Theatre

THE MARILYN CONSPIRACY at Park Theatre ★★★★ “Genevieve Gaunt captures the mannerisms and the breathy vocals without resorting to cliché” Vicki McKellar and Guy Masterson’s “The Marilyn Conspiracy” is an intricately structured new drama, that undulates chronologically. Like a pendulum, swinging between the ‘before’ and ‘after’; in the centre of

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“Once glanced at by someone moderately famous”