
Soho Theatre

VITAMIN D at Soho Theatre


“bursts with joy and warmth”

Saher Shah brings her excellent debut play back to London after its 2023 tour. Prepare to laugh, cry, and leave both dazed and dazzled.

Vitamin D explores the cultural taboo of divorce within British Pakistani communities with wit and warmth, and a hefty dose of emotion.

Larki, played by Shah, has returned home to Pinner, after the breakdown of her marriage in Manchester. Now she must deal with nosy neighbourhood aunties (played with pitch perfect comic timing by Zyna Goldy), friends who just want the best for her, and the nervously well-meaning ministrations of her mother (Renu Brindle). Larki doesn’t want to be a solicitor, she wants to be a poet. Also, she wants to be left alone. The second is definitely not going to happen.

The simple story is fleshed out by the strength of the performances. ‘Friend’ played by Anshula Bain is a force to be reckoned with, dominating the stage with epic dance moves, subtle acts of kindness, and gag after gag. Brindle’s performance stole it for me, quietly depicting a mother who wants to help but doesn’t know how.

Melina Namdar’s direction plays with the light and shade of the piece, blasting rap music (sound design by Riwa Saab) one minute and allowing space for quiet, intimate conversations the next. This private sphere of women is brought to life, depicting these familiar and real characters with tenderness and humour.

The slam poetry, which hangs the story together and offers insight into the protagonist’s inner turmoil, is the weakest part of the show. It should provide poignant relief to the high energy interactions, but it feels a little flat, especially in comparison to the strength of Shah’s dialogue, which is masterful.

Maariyah Sharjil’s set is draped with rugs and cushions, with projections of the handwritten notes that Larki scribbles throughout the show. It combines modern and traditional set design in a way which echoes the spirit of the show.

This is a show that feels important, and unusual. It’s discussing a serious and significant topic which needs more awareness, but it also bursts with joy and warmth.


VITAMIN D at Soho Theatre

Reviewed on 5th September 2024

by Auriol Reddaway

Photography by Charles Flint








Previously reviewed at this venue:

BABY DINOSAUR | ★★★ | June 2024
JAZZ EMU | ★★★★★ | June 2024
BLIZZARD | ★★★★ | May 2024
BOYS ON THE VERGE OF TEARS | ★★★★ | April 2024
DON’T. MAKE. TEA. | ★★★★★ | March 2024
PUDDLES PITY PARTY | ★★ | March 2024
LUCY AND FRIENDS | ★★★★★ | February 2024
AMUSEMENTS | ★★★★ | February 2024
WISH YOU WEREN’T HERE | ★★★ | February 2024
REPARATIONS | ★★★ | February 2024

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

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