
UK Tour


Golder’s Green Hippodrome


“a fitting tribute indeed”

Michael Jackson had hit after hit and Man In The Mirror is a great tribute show with song after song performed with the dazzling energy expected when paying tribute to The King of Pop.

This is a show for lovers of pop and indeed for lovers of the undeniable music and dance legacy of Michael Jackson, and tonight’s audience, including whole families, were singing along, filming all the great moments and waving their lit phone torches by the end, like any pop concert.

Centre stage is CJ who has been an international MJ tribute performer for over 15 years. Having started the moves when he was only four, the UK performer is clearly dedicated to the talent that he now emulates on stage and the evening is all about the brilliant music with a four-piece live band (Nic Southwood – Bass / MD, Doug Jenkinson – Drums, Lewis Wheeler – Guitar and Chris Davies – Keyboard), backing tracks, pyrotechnics, projections, great sound and lighting and four fabulous dancers.

The show gets better as CJ’s vocals warm up but there is no denying his talent for bringing the iconic songs and moves to life. He is a pale Jackson and wears authentic costumes with the famous jackets, sequin glove, fedora hat and the anti-gravity boots for the fantastic Smooth Criminal 45% lean forward signature move. And the white socks and the white tape on his fingers to draw attention to his footwork and hand movements that Jackson always wore during live performances.

No-one can ever take the place on stage of the huge talent that was Michael Jackson and CJ is clear that he is paying tribute, not trying to be…… but he does speak with a high toned soft American accent.

The first act opens with the military beats of They Don’t Care About Us and the beats just keep coming. There is even a section that covers some of the Jackson Five’s greatest hits, but for some reason this suddenly has the dancers wearing afro wigs, which somehow felt unnecessary……

The second act really let’s rip with moon walks, the iconic Thriller routine with zombies and Billie Jean. The final songs gradually took the pace down with Jackson’s later songs, focusing on social change and world peace with Better World and Earth Song with heart thumping contemporary dance.

The four highly skilled dancers (Becky Holden, Harriet Johnstone, Laura Summers and  choreographer Holly Harrison), are brilliant as was the choreography throughout – and it was very sweet as CJ names all the dancers in the curtain call, he mentions that Holly is his beautiful wife. The evening ends with, of course, Man in the Mirror. “Take a look at yourself and then make a change” – a fitting tribute indeed.


Golder’s Green Hippodrome then UK Tour continues

Reviewed on 22nd March 2025

by Debbie Rich





Previously reviewed at this venue:

THE BOWIE SHOW | ★★★★ | January 2025