Tag Archives: Fly Davis






“a bumper pack of Christmas crackers – plenty of bangs, groan-worthy jokes, gimmicks and a squeaky toy”

In Scrooge-like fashion, the gremlins struck the press night of Nick Mohammed’s madcap festive spectacular causing the performance to be curtailed. They struck again on this second attempt, with technical difficulties interrupting the final act.

Such is the nature of A Christmas Carol(ish), starring Nick Mohammed’s gremlin-esque alter-ego Mr Swallow, that many of the audience thought the interregnum was part of the production’s nod-and-wink playfulness. The whole thing is a teetering calamity with sufficient nods to the perils of live entertainment to make an appearance by the stage crew almost inevitable.

The downtime was short-lived and towards the climax. By then the four-strong cast had garnered enough goodwill and provoked enough merriment to ensure most stayed around to see the story out.

Just as well, because still to come was Mohammed’s wire walk to retrieve a special parcel lodged in the roof at @Sohoplace. A real nail biter. You underestimate multi-talented Mr Mohammed at your peril.

This is Mohammed’s show – writer, lyricist, star – and it’s been upscaled from earlier incarnations with extra razzle and indeed dazzle. Helpfully, he introduces himself for those unfamiliar with his nasally high-pitched irritant character Mr Swallow, based on a real-life English teacher blended with a hint of Mr Bean.

The plot, such as it is, is modelled on the Dickensian classic with Scrooge replaced by Santa. But don’t attempt to follow the original text too closely – it’s a gumbo pot of festive treats. God appears (voice only) and the nativity story also gets a look-in with a faintly alarming but very funny replay of the birth of Jesus with Mr Swallow as a scouse midwife. Look away now kids.

In director Matt Peover’s song-speckled staging, Mohammed is ably and gamely supported by diva Rochelle (Ghosts’ Martha Howe-Douglas) who is doing them all a favour between Lloyd-Webber gigs; put-upon impresario Mr Goldsworth (David Elms); and ratty orphan Rudolph (Kieran Hodgson). They’re all playing roles in Mr Goldsworth’s production with overconfident and under rehearsed Mr Swallow the rogue element. You can understand why technical difficulties are the least of the production’s concerns.

Special mention for the set (Fly Davis) which appears like a Victorian Amazon warehouse, with boxes to the ceiling, but becomes, at various points, a glowing cityscape with candlelit windows, an advent calendar for character vignettes and, of course, a climbing wall for Mr Swallow’s high stakes scramble.

The reference that springs to mind is – admirably – one of those classic Morecambe and Wise plays “what Ernie wrote” with endless mugging, undercutting, quick fire gags and bags of whimsy. Quick-witted and winning Mohammed is at the centre of it all. He brings his impish charms to what has evolved into an ambitious and glittery production that delivers more often than not.

It’s a bumper pack of Christmas crackers – plenty of bangs, groan-worthy jokes, gimmicks and a squeaky toy. Mishappy Christmas, Mr Swallow.



Reviewed on 26th November 2024

by Giles Broadbent

Photography by Matt Crockett








Previously reviewed at this venue:

DEATH OF ENGLAND: DELROY | ★★★★★ | July 2024
DEATH OF ENGLAND: MICHAEL | ★★★★★ | July 2024
THE LITTLE BIG THINGS | ★★★★ | September 2023
BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN | ★★★★★ | May 2023



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Donmar Warehouse

THE HUMAN BODY at the Donmar Warehouse


“this is a play that promises much and fails, ultimately, to deliver”

Lucy Kirkwood’s new play The Human Body is a complex creation, not unlike the human body itself. Michael Longhurst and Ann Yee’s stylish direction makes many pretty pictures of the bodies on stage from this overly length piece. They have assembled a talented cast, lead by Keeley Hawes and Jack Davenport. Cinematic touches, created by onstage videographers, and clever screening of the images, give a touch of glamour to the proceedings. But the overall effect is to remind us that we are not in the cinema, watching a sharp edged black and white movie, but in a theatre, watching a play that is just out of focus.

Set in 1946, the same year that Parliament passed the National Health Service Act, The Human Body is a timely reminder of what an enormous difference free health care made to Second World War exhausted Britain. GP Iris Elcock, (Keeley Hawes) and her disabled war veteran husband Julian (Tom Goodman-Hill) are attempting to rebuild their marriage in much the same way that the rest of the country is attempting to rebuild. Which is to say—they are outwardly supportive of each other as Iris juggles her household responsibilities with her medical practice, and her political ambitions. Presented as an outwardly successful, New Look woman, It’s in the interior spaces of home, her GP practice, and later, a railway carriage, that all Iris’ juggling comes off the rails.

Echoes of the British movie Brief Encounter allows playwright Kirkwood an attempt at some of the glamour and powerful, yet repressed emotions captured so well in director David Lean’s classic. But The Human Body is less about the passionate affair Iris has with actor George as a result of a chance encounter in a railway carriage. It’s more about her boundless ambition to be in Parliament. Kirkwood’s play isn’t even about the passing of the National Health Act, despite the occasional reference to Aneurin Bevan, who spearheaded the passing of the Act. The Human Body is ultimately about Iris—seen from every angle, thanks to the presence of those videographers on stage. We see Iris attempt the impossible. To be a wife, mother, successful career woman, politician, and lover to George. When we see Iris fail to manage all these roles, even her assistance in supporting the passage of the National Health Act, isn’t quite enough to salvage The Human Body. No amount of brilliant acting, stylish direction, and onstage videographic wizardry can overcome a script that fails to give an audience some sense of catharsis.



Yet Keeley Hawes manages to keep Iris a fully rounded character despite the shortcomings of the script. She is ably supported by fellow actors Jack Davenport and Tom Goodman-Hill. Jack Davenport’s portrayal of George is particularly noteworthy. He manages to reveal George the man with a complex family life, lurking beneath the film actor’s polished charm. Tom Goodman-Hill has the thankless task of portraying Julian, Iris’ resentful husband, but succeeds in making Julian sympathetic nonetheless. He, along with Pearl Mackie and Siobhán Redmond take on a host of other roles as well. Together these seasoned actors bring energy and a sense of ever-changing drama to The Human Body.

Nevertheless, The Human Body cannot decide whether it is a play, or a film. Kirkwood writes the script as though it were a screenplay, but bringing on bits of furniture, endless props, often held by stagehands while the actors use them, simply serve to remind the audience that film can manage all these complicated changes of location simply by saying “Cut!” and moving on. If one tries to change the location in the theatre on stage, it merely looks clunky. In Iris and George’s passionate encounters, the camera is an intrusive third party, no matter how beautiful the images captured on the screen above the actors. What’s happening on stage is a messy distraction, and even good lighting and snatches of Rachmaninov’s lovely music cannot help the actors establish the same intimacy when there’s a camera in the way. There is a profound difference in the ways that theatre achieves its magic on stage, and film on the screen, and The Human Body is a very good lesson in why that is.

It says much for the skills of the actors that the playing time of The Human Body passes as quickly as it does. Fans of Keeley Hawes and Jack Davenport will not be disappointed. But this is a play that promises much and fails, ultimately, to deliver.


THE HUMAN BODY at the Donmar Warehouse

Reviewed on 28th February 2024

by Dominica Plummer

Photography by Marc Brenner




Previously reviewed at this venue:





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