Tag Archives: Joanna Hetherington

Canary – 3.5 Stars



Blue Elephant Theatre

Reviewed – 11 November 2018


“an original take on a little-known aspect of wartime women’s intrinsic importance”


Amidst the pomp and circumstance of the official ceremonies, Blue Elephant Theatre contributes an unusual, personal and decidedly yellow touch to Armistice Day with Fun in the Oven’s production of ‘Canary’. When, in 1916, the Government set up the Ministry of Munitions following a shortage of shells, they relied on unskilled workers to fill the factories. This meant that women from all walks of life experienced the war in a very different way from holding the fort or weeping and waiting for their loved ones; they worked together in dire and dangerous conditions, forming friendships and bonds with those they would never normally have met. As a tribute to the hundreds of thousands of Canary Girls, Katie Tranter, Robyn Hambrook and Alys North become Agnes, Anne and Betty.

After setting the scene with film footage of cheery enlisting propaganda we meet the three complementary characters. Agnes is the work supervisor, commanding and outwardly confident: officer’s wife, Anne, escapes from her grand house to volunteer at weekends: young Betty, naïve and illiterate, is the star of the factory’s football team. We are taken along the conveyor belt of bomb-making, into the canteen and down into the air-raid shelter, accompanied by effectively dramatic lighting (Scott Ferguson) and interesting, integrated sound (Roma Yagnik). The show is packed with information and insights. Concentrating on the relationships built, we are drawn into their private world of sharing and supporting hopes, fears, sadness and joy. We learn about their lives from tea-break chats and air-raid confinement – the dangers of TNT, the long working hours, the disgracefully low wages. They discover a freedom to talk about men and physical and emotional intimacy, to smoke and drink. And we also see a fundamental change in attitude when their eyes are opened to their own value and place in society.

Andrea Jiménez’s direction is innovative and fun, making creative use of three tea crates as the only props. But the interpretation is patchy. The actors convey the diversity of class and the sense of unity between them and there are some striking moments like the cordite hallucination sequence and Alys North’s ‘man talk’ but it sometimes suffers from a slightly laboured pace. However, even though the show needs some fine tuning to tighten up this lack of slickness, ‘Canary’ is an original take on a little-known aspect of wartime women’s intrinsic importance, and the humorous dialogue, well-choreographed movement and rousing singing make for enjoyable and enlightening entertainment.


Reviewed by Joanna Hetherington

Photography by Chris Bishop



Blue Elephant Theatre


Previously reviewed at this venue:
Sisyphus Distressing | ★★★★ | March 2018
Boxman | ★★★★ | July 2018
Alice: The Lost Chapter | ★★★★★ | October 2018
My Brother’s Drug | ★★★ | October 2018
Bost Uni Plues | ★★★★ | November 2018


Click here to see more of our latest reviews on thespyinthestalls.com


Sweet Like Chocolate Boy – 5 Stars

Sweet Like Chocolate Boy

Sweet Like Chocolate Boy

Jack Studio Theatre

Reviewed – 2nd November 2018


“combines interesting characters, a captivating storyline and engaging language with brilliantly realised, often hilarious interpretations”


The richness and complexity of Tristan Fynn-Aiduenu’s play, ‘Sweet Like Chocolate Boy’, and the artistry of this new production at the Jack Studio Theatre is hard to describe. Based on two boys who live in the same London borough in different eras, he breaks down stereotypes and, with true understanding of character, takes us into a world of merging lives, reality, fantasy and music which celebrates how the growth of Black British culture in the 90s has made it what it is today.

Mars is today’s youth. Street-wise, full of enthusiasm, imagination and confidence, he heads towards the girl of his dreams, only to be confronted by people who question his heart, head and vanity. Bounty is from the 90s. Quietly out of place in a politically electric climate, he wants and tries to be a part of the world he’s in. Andrew Umerah (Mars) and Michael Levi Fatogun (Bounty) give compelling performances, showing the strengths and vulnerabilities of their times – Bounty swept along by a powerful wave of Black identity, but unable to keep up and Mars living the strong cultural legacy of Bounty’s day, but struggling to find his own place. Fatogun also gives excellent portrayals as the policeman, ghost and, in particular, the frightening force of Fantasia’s dad as he challenges Mars’ feelings for his daughter. Umerah skilfully contrasts Mars with Bounty’s dad, Prophet (an American Black Panther type) and Bounty’s best friend, James, brought up to be the typical white racist of that time. Veronica Beatrice Lewis offers wonderfully colourful acting as the boisterous, self-assured Sandra who likes to tease Bounty’s meekness, the lovely, sincere Michele, Bounty’s first love and Fantasia, whose self-possessed nature Mars falls for.

Fynn-Aiduenu’s direction captures the vibrant energy of both today and the 90s with language, movement and music creating their own moments of drama and humour. As we enter the theatre, the DJ (Gabby Nimmo/Alice Fofana) presides and remains as a godly presence throughout. Sound (Shadé Joseph) and lighting (Bethany Gupwell) fit perfectly into the action, taking us slickly from one scene to another and the movement is ingeniously directed by Sean Graham while simple costumes (Tara Usher) effectively use minimal alterations and details to change persona.

‘Sweet Like Chocolate Boy’ combines interesting characters, a captivating storyline and engaging language with brilliantly realised, often hilarious interpretations, innovative staging and plenty of garage and jungle to create a uniquely descriptive and unforgettable experience.


Reviewed by Joanna Hetherington

Photography by Aaron Kelly


Sweet Like Chocolate Boy

Jack Studio Theatre until 17th November


Previously reviewed at this venue:
Fear and Misery of the Third Reich | ★★★ | January 2018
The Tempest | ★★★½ | February 2018
Stuffed | ★★★★ | March 2018
Three Sisters | ★★★★ | March 2018
The Golden F**king Years | ★★★ | April 2018
Kes | ★★★★★ | May 2018
The Night Alive | ★★★½ | May 2018
Stepping Out | ★★★ | June 2018
Back to Where | ★★★★ | July 2018
The White Rose | ★★★★ | July 2018
Hobson’s Choice | ★★★★ | September 2018
Dracula | ★★★½ | October 2018


Click here to see more of our latest reviews on thespyinthestalls.com