Tag Archives: Nimax



Apollo Theatre


Apollo Theatre


‘She can dance and she can sing and she can do the other thing’ …

Gemma Arterton, can indeed do anything!


A lot of folk seated in the stalls near me were making comments like “we’ll get hit by the oranges from here” – rest assured, oranges feature very little in Jessica Swale’s clever interpretation of the Nell Gwynn story – in fact I only recall seeing one.

Nell Gwynn is an interesting show – a colourful tale of Nell, the King and a theatrical company of misfits and oddballs. Interspersed with a few ‘of the period’, yet infuriatingly catchy, songs and ditties. Spiced up with a bawdy script with double entendres a plenty, this is a charming show to while away a couple of hours.

A beautiful set and some spectacular costumes (including that hat!) are brought to life by a fantastic company. Gemma Arterton leads and is faultless perfection as Nell (though for me, she will always be Rita O’Grady). Michelle Dotrice, as the doolally dresser and Nell’s confidante, Nancy, steals the second act with some wonderful comedy moments.

Also worthy of a mention are Sasha Waddell who brings mighty laughs through both her roles, David Sturzaker as the flirty King and Peter McGovern as the inept actor in training, Ned. Greg Haiste as Edward, the actor who plays women’s parts, is a delight too and gives Kinky Boot’s Lola, a run for her in money in some of his costumes.

A special shout out to the often overlooked ensemble, a particularly hard working bunch. I’d like to single out Matthew Durkan, he has an amazing stage presence and I’m sure following his West End debut, will go on to an amazing career. Remember you heard it here first!



Also making her West End debut, was Milly the dog, affectionately known as Oliver Cromwell in the show and proving the old adage of never to work with animals, to be completely false. A star in her own right.

Nell Gwynn has a limited season until the end of April, catch it while you can.




Seen February at The Apollo

Photo Tristram Kenton

Booking until Saturday, 30th April 2016

Click here for tickets and more show info.