Tag Archives: Robert Workman

HMS Pinafore

King’s Head Theatre

HMS Pinafore

HMS Pinafore

King’s Head Theatre

Reviewed – 16th April 2019



“a wonderful example of the mastery of Gilbert and Sullivan’s waggish, Victorian wit and beautifully accessible melodies holding up to time”


Often disparagingly relegated to second division opera, Gilbert and Sullivan’s works, in collaboration with Richard D’Oyly Carte, consciously moved away from improvised music hall entertainment to develop a niche genre of English light opera using familiar, stock characters and chorus in β€˜topsy-turvy’ plots; β€˜HMS Pinafore’ is one of their earliest and best-known productions, which pioneered this innovation. Their first international hit, it satirises the unqualified in positions of power and the stigma of social status in relationships. Both the Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Porter and Captain Corcoran have unmerited ranks of authority and when the Captain’s daughter falls in love with a common sailor, attitudes are challenged in true β€˜G and S’ style. The Charles Court Opera Company cleverly brings to life the timelessness of these issues by fast-forwarding to the 1950s and adapts the reduced cast by submerging the crew in a submarine.

The vocal individuality of the company paints a colourful picture of the tangled web of privilege and prejudice and each singer brings a facet to the stage – in particular, Joseph Shovelton’s ease and comic timing as Sir Joseph Porter, Hannah Crerar’s (Bobstay) radiant voice and presence, Alys Roberts as Josephine, maintaining sobriety with a moving β€œThe Hours Creep on Apace” and Catrine Kirkman’s quirky Cousin Hebe who, single-handedly, makes up for Sir Joseph’s original gaggle of female relatives. The ensembles are generally well-balanced throughout, though Matthew Kellett as Dick Deadeye is sometimes overpowered in the company songs and Jennie Jacobs’ (Buttercup) projection fluctuates with her change of register.

Transferring HMS Pinafore to the recent past with Rachel Szmukler’s functional, retro set and bright, vintage costumes and incorporating more contemporary choreography (Damian Czarnecki), director John Savounin builds a fittingly up-to-date adaptation. The acting is perfectly attuned to the size of the venue and the variety of moods creates a captivating fluidity, combining with David Eaton’s musical expertise to illustrate an ironically significant point without losing the enjoyable, traditional charm; only, perhaps, without a ship of men, does the corresponding role of Buttercup become somewhat ambiguous within the modern set-up. This is a wonderful example of the mastery of Gilbert and Sullivan’s waggish, Victorian wit and beautifully accessible melodies holding up to time in an amusing and enticing evening. William and Arthur would undoubtedly be tickled pink to see how little life has changed since they wrote Pinafore and particularly the current feelings and poignancy of mocking pride in β€œHe is an Englishman”.


Reviewed by Joanna Hetherington

Photography by Robert Workman


HMS Pinafore

King’s Head Theatre until 11th May


Last ten shows reviewed at this venue:
Brexit | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… | November 2018
Buttons: A Cinderella Story | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… | November 2018
Momma Golda | β˜…β˜…β˜… | November 2018
The Crumple Zone | β˜…β˜… | November 2018
Outlying Islands | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… | January 2019
Carmen | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… | February 2019
Timpson: The Musical | β˜…β˜…β˜… | February 2019
The Crown Dual | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… | March 2019
Undetectable | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… | March 2019
Unsung | β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ | April 2019


Click here to see more of our latest reviews on thespyinthestalls.com


Mary’s Babies

Mary’s Babies

Jermyn Street Theatre

Mary’s Babies

Mary’s Babies

Jermyn Street Theatre

Reviewed – 22nd March 2019



“a hugely ambitious play that doesn’t quite succeed in its intentions”


In the 1930s, Dr Mary Barton and her husband, Dr Bertold Wiesner, founded one of the first clinics to treat infertility with donor insemination. Because the practice was new, there were no regulations regarding donor selection. Barton said she had a small pool of select donors, but thanks to DNA testing, we now know the majority of the 1,500 women who were treated by Barton were inseminated with Wiesner’s sperm.

Written by Maud Dromgoole and directed by Tatty Hennessy, Mary’s Babies imagines various intersecting lives of a handful of people who discover they share Wiesner’s DNA. There’s considerable skill in Dromgoole’s windows into lives that are rich, genuine, and occasionally touching. However, despite the creative team’s best efforts to maintain clarity, with just two actors multi-roling so many different characters with such abrupt alternation, a lot is lost in the shuffle.

Katy Stephens and Emma Fielding take on a total of thirty-nine different characters, although the play primarily revolves around five. Stephens and Fielding are strong performers (they admirably handled a technical difficulty which stopped the show midway), and Stephens in particular impresses with her vivid transformations. An ingenious set design (Anna Reid) that displays the names of the characters on a wall, which light up according to who is in each scene, is indispensable.

But even with first-rate multi-roling and displayed character names, the play can be difficult to follow. Hennessy’s choice of minimalism for an informationally dense piece, and Dromgoole’s choppy, short scenes with vague dialogue, leave large gaps for meaning to fall through. Entire scenes often hinge on one word that is too easily lost. I missed the word β€˜eulogy’ in the opening monologue, so didn’t get why Stephens was reading off a script, thinking it couldn’t be possible she didn’t have the lines memorised. I missed the word β€˜polydactyl’ in another scene, and was perplexed by the fuss about Stephens’ hand.

Additionally, the characters’ ages don’t transmit well. A reveal toward the end that two characters are twins doesn’t click; I spent the performance believing one was about ten years younger than the other. All of them, who are dating and planning/having children, seem to be in their thirties. Kieran, arguably the main character, comes off as early twenties. They jar with the maths, which says their age range is forty to eighty (the play takes place in 2007 and the clinic closed in 1967). It’s evident Dromgoole wanted to write younger characters. The play may have been stronger if it were set in the present, about a fictional artificial insemination scandal in the 1980s.

This is a hugely ambitious play that doesn’t quite succeed in its intentions. Too much visual and verbal information fails to communicate. The script seems better suited to film, which would solve a lot of its problems.


Reviewed by Addison Waite

Photography by Robert Workman


Mary’s Babies

Jermyn Street Theatre until 13th April


Previously reviewed at this venue:
Mad as Hell | β˜…β˜…β˜… | February 2018
The Dog Beneath the Skin | β˜…β˜…β˜… | March 2018
Tonight at 8.30 | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… | April 2018
Tomorrow at Noon | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… | May 2018
Stitchers | β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ | June 2018
The Play About my Dad | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… | June 2018
Hymn to Love | β˜…β˜…β˜… | July 2018
Burke & Hare | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… | November 2018
Original Death Rabbit | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… | January 2019
Agnes Colander: An Attempt At Life | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… | February 2019


Click here to see more of our latest reviews on thespyinthestalls.com