Tag Archives: Soho Theatre

There but for the Grace of God (Go I) – 4 Stars


There but for the Grace of God (Go I)

Soho Theatre

Reviewed – 6th August 2018


“If ever there was a show deserving of a longer run, this is it”


We’ve probably all, at some stage, ‘googled’ ourselves out of curiosity, boredom, or whatever it might be. Upon doing just this, actor Adam Welsh finds that the first result is that of a six year old boy, Adam Walsh, kidnapped from a Florida department store in 1971, resulting in national uproar. It’s this that forms the basis of the production. Through the retelling of these dark events and a comparison between them and the actor’s own childhood, parent-child relationships are explored in what is an intriguing piece of theatre.

Welsh has the audience engaged from the get-go, with an element of audience participation when he asks for a show of hands of who has ever ‘googled’ themselves. The responses allow for laughs and it’s immediately apparent we are in safe hands.

There are many engaging, cleverly executed elements throughout the production – too many to name, in fact. Adam Welsh starts to tell of the disappearance of little Adam Walsh through the use of Lego figurines, filmed on a laptop webcam and projected onto the back of the set. We are led down memory lane on numerous occasions as we learn of personal stories from Welsh’s own childhood, including how he himself once went missing at a water park. Stories such as this are told through the inclusion of candid clips of his parents recounting events and reminiscing, with Welsh himself frequently mirroring segments of what they have said, which proves very effective.

Sequences from a film dramatising the disappearance of Adam Walsh in Florida are projected at various points, with Welsh, again, mirroring some of the action. Particularly powerful is the mirroring of an outburst of rage displayed by little Adam Walsh’s father.

There But for the Grace of God (Go I) should be described as more of a theatrical experience than just a show. There’s always something to engage with and never a dull moment. Touching personal stories combined with the retelling of a real crime truly bring home the value of life and relationships and you’d need a heart of stone to not be moved. If ever there was a show deserving of a longer run, this is it.


Reviewed by Emily K Neal

Photography by Peter Corkhill


There but for the Grace of God (Go I)

Soho Theatre until 8th August


Previously reviewed at this venue
Dust | ★★★★★ | February 2018
Sugar Baby | ★★★★★ | May 2018
Flesh & Bone | ★★★★★ | July 2018


Click here to see more of our latest reviews on thespyinthestalls.com



Flesh & Bone – 5 Stars


Flesh & Bone

Soho Theatre

Reviewed – 4th July 2018


“Deeply contemporary yet rooted in Shakespeare-inspired language, this is a piece that is witty and sad and screaming to be heard”


We are in East London. Terrence or Terry or Tel lives with his brother Reiss, his girlfriend Kelly and her grandad. In the flat below lives the local drug dealer, Jamal, with his mum. As we learn about each of their stories, we follow them through pub brawls and rat infestations, underscored by the looming threat of a council who think their home is an eyesore. Deeply contemporary yet rooted in Shakespeare-inspired language, this is a piece that is witty and sad and screaming to be heard.

Terrence is played by Elliot Warren, who is also the writer of ‘Flesh and Bone’, a clear talent both onstage and with pen in hand. The script tumbles between dialogue, ensemble scenes and moments of monologue in which each character has a chance to tell us who they really are, their fears, their dreams. This tumbling takes perhaps a moment to get used to, but once you’re in there’s no getting out, not that you’d want to.

Olivia Brady, who co-directs, plays Kel with warmth and humour, making some extra cash through phone sex chatlines. Reiss (Michael Jinks) is trying to figure out how to tell his brother he’s gay. Jinks’ performance is tender and playful, immediately emotionally engaging and as a result really quite moving. Alessandro Babalola’s Jamal is electric to watch, hard then soft then hard again in a moment. Nick T Frost is a cheeky Grandad, reminiscing about his wife as he wanders around in his dressing gown. Bold and bursting with life, this is an unapologetic explosion onto the stage, an energised, highly-committed performance in which every person shines, both individually and as an ensemble.

This is a really exciting piece of theatre, well-crafted, well-executed, and vibrant with life.


Reviewed by Amelia Brown

Photography by Owen Baker


Soho Theatre thespyinthestalls

Flesh & Bone

Soho Theatre until 21st July



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