Category Archives: Interviews


Maryhee Yoon 

Actor Writer Director


Maryhee Yoon

Actor Writer Director

Interviewed – April 2020


To kick us off – would you like briefly to introduce yourself?

My name is Maryhee Yoon – I am a Korean American actor and theatre maker based in London. I was born in Ohio, USA and moved to Seoul when I was ten where I spent the rest of my childhood. I came to London when I was eighteen to pursue my career in acting and theatre making, and am now living my best life here!

Acting, directing, writing – which is your preferred, if any, discipline?

This is definitely hard to say – I feel like I go through phases of which one I like best – and all of them definitely provide a good break from the other when I’m grinding especially hard. But I think it has to be between acting and writing. I’ve been writing and been dreaming of being a writer since I was about eight years old, but acting makes me feel alive and is what I did my training in – I think writing was something that was very private to only me at first, so I’m still learning the ropes of what being a “writer” entails!

What was your training/background?

I had the absolute pleasure of attending East 15 Acting School, 2016-2019, where I obtained my BA Acting International (hons) last year. My course was the perfect combination of traditional acting training and creative writing/devising training – I highly recommend it to all my overseas friends!

How long have you been pursuing your chosen career, and what made you choose this path?

I’ve been writing since I was about eight years old – it started with short stories about pirate ships and alien superheroes, but I must admit that I stopped writing when I hit about fourteen or so. I got back into writing when I was in drama school and I started learning about writing plays – I started falling back in love with the form, and so thankful that I did!

I started acting when I was ten or eleven years old, and the love for it kinda grew more intense every year. I committed to trying to make it into a career when I was about sixteen. And with the help of some very special mentors, I was able to attend drama school straight after graduating from high school in Seoul. I think I realised that if I didn’t at least try, I would always regret it. And I do think I would regret it if I had gone into another path this soon. I am so happy and thankful and humbled by being lucky enough to have had this experience and, right now, I wouldn’t want to trade it for the world!

What is the earliest piece of music/art/film/theatre (any medium in fact) that you remember having an impact on you and why was it so special?

I think I was like seven or eight – very young – and my mom took me to see my older sister’s high school production of “Fiddler on the Roof”. I don’t think I understood the story or what was going on, but I remember absolutely loving it – the dancing and singing, the costumes and just the magic of it. I think a part of the reason I loved it so much was because it was my big sis! I’ve always looked up to her, and from that point I remember wanting nothing more than to join drama club as soon as I was old enough.

What part of the process of the production of a work, from conception to performance do you enjoy the most?

I think my favourite part has to be rehearsals – when things finally start coming together after months of grinding. It’s the point where ideas come to reality in front of you and often where I think you learn the most about yourself as a creative, a collaborator, and a performer!

What drew you to the story of Iva Toguri, the protagonist of your award-winning musical “Tokyo Rose”? And, without getting too controversial, where would your sympathies lie? Do you think Toguri was really guilty of treason? Was her trial manipulated by the FBI?

It was actually my co-writer Cara Baldwin who originally found her story and presented it to me and the rest of our team – her story is incredible and the more we research, the more interesting it gets (which sometimes feels like a curse – what do we include? how do we best simplify a fifty year story into a single performance?) I’m especially drawn to her story because she’s Asian American and I’m Asian American – it’s heartbreaking, encouraging, and inspiring to learn about this part of history that has been lost – and to be able to be a part of retelling it! I don’t want to spoil the show – it’s up to the audience to decide whether what happened to her was just or not – our job is to just show the facts as objectively as possible. But when you look at the simple facts, I think it’s pretty simple… and America has made a lot of mistakes – some of which they’re still making today.

Is there something you are particularly proud of?

I did a sketch show in drama school and in front of 100+ people caught a tampon in mid-air with chopsticks on my first try…

While I am very proud of that… I think, of the things I’m most proud of, has been sticking to my ethics and principles in my work – even if that’s meant losing jobs. I feel like creative work without compassion and ethics is completely pointless and I never would want to compromise myself for a job… Obviously that’s a lot easier said than done and I’m sure I’ve made mistakes and will continue making mistakes – but I’m proud of my commitment to always trying my best and always trying to better myself and learning from my mistakes.

Were you in the middle of a project when the lockdown was put in place?

I had a few auditions that I never heard back from, but we all know that may not have been because of the lockdown… ha-ha! Other than that, we’ve been in our next stage of development for Tokyo Rose. Lucky enough though, we’re still very much in the writing phase and have been able to continue our work remotely with the godsend Zoom! We’re hoping that it won’t affect anything once we do need to be in the room with actors.

How are you coping with this new (temporary) way of life?

I’m trying really hard to focus on compassion towards myself and others. I think there has been a lot of pressure put on artists especially to continue creating and to be as productive as possible – but we’re all experiencing a shared trauma and I think it’s absolutely valid to take time for ourselves, focus on our hearts and healing, and if we don’t become the next Shakespeare during this time, I think that’s absolutely fine. I’ve seen this whole thing as a call to pause, reflect on why we do our art, and reevaluate what we want to do in life. I promised to not put any unnecessary pressure on myself, and it’s actually resulted in me falling back in love with a lot of it – doing it because I want to do it, not because I feel like I need to prove something.

Are you able to filter out the fake news from the real – and how much attention to you pay to the overload of information on social media?

In general, I try to stick to news sources that I trust – but there came a point where I stopped paying attention to a lot of it. I’m stuck at home either way, and I find a lot of it is not useful stuff to know – a lot of it seems to be primarily fearmongering. Obviously, I recognise my immense privilege in this situation and my heart absolutely goes out to those not as lucky as me – whether it be bad domestic situations, scary financial situations, being high-risk, etc. If anything, it’s just been a reinforcement of my belief that many of the systems we live in are insanely backwards and unsustainable. I’m getting my fight gear on for when we need to come together and demand justice! I think one of the best things I’ve seen that has really stuck with me is; “Stop thinking about this as the apocalypse. See it as the revolution”

What’s the first thing you’re going to do when the lockdown is over?

Get a frothy, steamy latte and then join the revolution! I used to be quite active politically and I’m sorry to say that I’ve lost a lot of that with my own life getting in the way. But this has been a wakeup call to just how much needs to change in our system, and it’s important to me to be on the right side of history and to be a part of the solution. I don’t think this madness will end with the lockdown, and I don’t think it should. If we don’t change things, all of this will happen again, and we will continue to lose so many more lives than we should!!

When directing, writing or acting – what do you prefer – Musicals? Comedies? Dramas? (And as an audience – which, if any, do you prefer?)

Oh, this is a hard one! Ironically, I’m not actually that into musicals – I can’t really sing or dance and I don’t really understand music that much! Obviously, I love and adore working on Tokyo Rose, but it’s a completely new medium to me and I would not be able to do it without our amazing team with me. I’ve historically been very into comedy writing, acting and directing, but I’m exploring drama more now and how to make something serious tasteful and impactful. I love it all, honestly.

What would you like the future to hold in store for you?

This might sound silly, but I don’t really mind too much as long as I’m happy and my life is centred on love. Right now, that very much correlates with my love for acting and creating, and manifests in me throwing myself into my work – right now it’s making me super happy and ‘right now’ I want the future to hold exciting projects and “success”. But I’m trying to internalise that happiness and success don’t always go hand in hand, and my first priority is to live a full life, whatever that entails. I don’t want to limit myself, and I think there’s a lot of pressure in this industry that if you change careers it makes you a failure or a cautionary tale, but I think that’s a toxic attitude. There’s no point in having great success if you’re not happy.

Have you any tips for others on how best to get through the lockdown?

Be kind and compassionate! That’s my biggest tip – just be compassionate to yourself and to others! We are collectively experiencing something traumatic, some more so than others, and I do believe that the only way we’ll get through to the other side is if we lead with compassion for others and for ourselves.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Stay safe and keep well.


Interviewed by Jonathan Evans

Main photo (from A Great Big Sigh) by Lidia Crisafulli

Headshot by Leon Foggitt





Find out more about Maryhee here:
Instagram – @mhy.yhm
Twitter – @maryheeyoon
Spotlight – Maryhee Yoon
Website –



Click here to read our review of Tokyo Rose




Leading Light

Theatre Collective

Leading Light

Leading Light

Theatre Collective

Interviewed – April 2020


Hi Belinda and Hannah, thank you so much for answering our questions today. Why not start by telling us a little bit about yourselves?

Hi – thank you for having us!

[Belinda Clarke – Artistic Director] I studied BA Acting at Bath Spa University, I’m now doing an MA in Creative Producing at Mountview Academy. As Artistic Director of Leading Light Collective; I have acted, written, directed and produced! After writing Memories We Lost in the Fire (2017-18) I received the award for Best New Writing at the International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival. Since then I have mainly focused on my love for directing and facilitation at venues such as Arcola and The Pleasance Theatre. Next, I will be individually producing events such as Hollablack Girl and Posters by Tanya Loretta Dee and finally will be directing Leading Light Collective’s 4 (2020).

[Hannah Blair – Lead Producer] I studied BA Theatre Production and MA Creative Producing at Bath Spa University. I am the Lead Producer for the company on work such as Network and Chill (2020) and Memories We Lost in the Fire (2017-18). Alongside Leading Light Collective, I have produced Purely Platonic (2019), which was performed in Bath’s SparkFest. My other theatre credits include; Stage Manager for Commotion in the Ocean (2018/19), and Dresser for This House (2019), The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2017/18) and North by Northwest (2017).

When did you form Leading Light and what made you want to start a theatre collective together?

[Belinda] We formed the collective during our third year at Bath Spa University, February 2017. Wanting to create a platform bigger than ourselves as individuals, which connected a range of communities together through theatre. We repeatedly asked ourselves – why wait for opportunities, when we can create them?

Belinda, you initially trained as an actor at Bath Spa University but you’ve since focused more on writing, directing, and producing. What made you move away from acting, and was that a difficult transition?

[Belinda] When we begin our careers as creatives, the majority of us can only see it as an acting career. We never really understand what the hell writing, directing and producing can bring for us internally, until we are thrown into them. Our industry is built up into so many amazing sectors – why not explore them all before deciding? The only difficulty I had within this transition was knowing that I loved being behind the scenes more than in them.

Despite the two of you being the creative forces of Leading Light, you’ve spent a lot of time since graduating three years ago living in different cities. Has that been a challenge in operating the collective as effectively as you’d like?

[Hannah] Definitely not. As much as we would have loved living close straight after uni, other things like expenses and routine come into play, which gave us more time to evaluate Leading Light. We pretty much got a healthy work routine down whilst still saving productively, which gave us time to create an amazing tour for our first production, Memories We Lost in the Fire. FaceTime and Google Docs became a big part of our Leading Light family.

Last year, you formed a sister company, Excellence. What was the purpose of this, and what differentiates it from Leading Light?

[Belinda] We connected with the incredible Aaliyah Deanne last year who wanted to create more opportunities for new black creatives entering the industry. Excellence has given us an amazing scratch night, DEAR BLACK PEOPLE, specifically tailored to the black community in association with Pleasance Theatre Futures. We’ve focused a lot more on black writers during our first year active, supporting them to get their idea from page to stage. In the words of Stormzy: ‘that’s not anti white it’s pro black’, ha!

What kind of challenges does managing two companies at once present?

[Hannah] The biggest challenge I think anyone in our industry can relate to is time management. Making sure that your side hustle allows time for the art, while maintaining confidence within the work you are creating. Luckily with strong partners we are able to do them both, but it never comes without a clash. But hey ho, why have one when you can have both?

What were you up to before the theatre shutdown?

[Belinda] I don’t think we should say shutdown, theatre has been transformed to be accessed through different mediums. But unfortunately this did come with setbacks to some of our other projects. We had just introduced our new program ILLUMINATE YOUR CONFIDENCE with schools within Hounslow Borough with the support of the council. As well as other workshops designed to create our upcoming production, 4 which will be now coming later on in the year – depending on the pandemic that is…

Excellence also had setbacks with our next DEAR BLACK PEOPLE scratch night in May at The Pleasance Theatre being postponed, EMPHASIS ON POSTPONED!

How have you been coping with this new existence of social distancing and staying indoors?

[Hannah] Routine, routine, routine! Belinda is completing her MA and I am using this time back in York to spend with family before getting back to London. It has not been easy so far for anyone but all we can do is evaluate, look after ourselves and wait!

What’s your top tip for other creatives struggling with quarantine life?

[Hannah] Use this time to do the things you didn’t ever have time for. As creatives we all have ideas of plays we want to write or projects we want to do but never have the time. So now is the time to do the research – get writing!

[Belinda] Get talking to creatives. Expand your contact list. And check in with yourself on the regular.

What’s the first thing you’re going to do once the lockdown is lifted and we’re allowed outdoors again?

[Belinda] See each other! We’re having withdrawals already.

What’s next for Leading Light and Excellence? What are you hoping to achieve with both companies over the next year or so (assuming the world is moving again by then)?

[Hannah] A whole new business model for both companies that we cannot wait for you all to see! 2020 was and still is our year to develop our company and individual skills.

Finally, this year marks three years since you finished at Bath Spa – what advice would you give to yourself three years ago?

[Hannah] Keep going and keep communicating. It is important to keep persevering because the hard work always pays off.

[Belinda] Trust that time has no limit and there will be moments when it feels hard, but this is what we love. Confidence is a journey, not an overnight mindset.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions – stay safe and keep washing your hands!



Interviewed by Ryan Mellish

Photography (other than isolation selfies) by  Xanthus Peters


Find out more about Leading Light here:
Instagram – @leadinglightc
Twitter – @leadinglightc
Facebook – Leading Light Collective LTD
Website –



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