Category Archives: Reviews



Park Theatre


Park Theatre


“an exciting adaptation of a classic text that leaves the audience wanting more”

Before the start of Virginia Gay’s adaptation of Cyrano, the cast travel around the audience handing out poetry. A testament to the play’s dedication to words. By Cyrano’s own admission, such words should be at the forefront. However, with the use of an ever present meta-like Chorus and a somewhat self aware lead, the play felt like a study guide rather than an anthology. The story and characters were constantly being analysed and commented on as devices and functions rather than purely experiencing the world as people. The result was a simple story with an easy enough plot being complicated by its over intellectualization of itself.

Cyrano (Virginia Gay) is a local smart person, with a way with words and an unfortunately large nose. A nose so terrible that she believes she is incapable of love. They quickly meet Roxanne (Jessica Whitehurst): a beautiful yet shallow woman who has a huge crush on gorgeous yet wordless Yan (Joseph Evans). Roxanne is dissatisfied by Yan’s lack of ability to communicate meaningfully with her, which Cyrano pities. Therefore, Cyrano steps in to assist Yan by doing the talking for him. The original Cyrano is a classic text, however, not one that I’ve personally ever read or seen. This version assumes you already know the story, opening with the Chorus (Tessa Wong, David Tarkenter, Tanvi Virmani) trying to define its genre and making references which I was honestly quite confused by. If the point of modern adaptations is partly to make such classic texts more accessible then this didn’t help.

The Chorus continues to comment on the narrative throughout the play. This is of course traditional of this role, yet it did feel like the audience was being told how to feel. Points where we were told the scene is sad, for example, rather than the characters simply experiencing sadness. What saves us from this being a constant theme throughout was Virginia Gay’s performance as Cyrano. Her solo moments on stage were incredibly warm and personal, making you feel as if you were right next to her as she confessed her inner life. Other stand outs include Chorus member 2, David Tarkenter, who adds depth to his portrayal of comic relief and context delivery by giving a sense of real personal stake within the story. A very appreciated addition to the Chorus that would otherwise make the stage feel overcrowded with exposition and one liners.

This adaptation changes the ending of the story. I was made aware of this as the characters state what happens in the original. It instead concludes by an attempt to make amends. This culminates in Roxanne stating one conclusion and then very quickly changing her mind. With ten minutes of run time to spare and the need for a happy ending, deus ex machina is applied yet unfortunately lacks any punch. It was times like this in the play I deeply wished for more of the poetry that Gay uses singularly for Cyrano, to also be truly exploited for the dialogue.

The set (Amanda Stoodley) was minimal, using a mirror, three stage blocks, a spiral staircase and a piano. The floor was painted white with many markings, presumably for the movement of the set. Costume (Stoodley) was modern and reflected a sense of each character. Cyrano wears jeans, boots and a shirt which favours practicality over beauty. Roxanne wears satin red joggers and a decorated satin jacket – comfortable yet glamorous in style.

Lighting (Andy Purves) and Sound (Toby Young) were very effective in driving the piece. Moments of intimacy were heightened by gentle fades of light focused centre stage and moments of silence contracted well with the business of ensemble scenes. Dance breaks were also dotted around throughout with classic disco songs, paired with colour washes and the occasional smoke machine.

Overall, an exciting adaptation of a classic text that leaves the audience wanting more. Unfortunately I fear what they may want more of is substance.


Park Theatre

Reviewed on 17th December 2024

by David Robinson

Photography by Craig Sugden







Previously reviewed at this venue:

BETTE & JOAN | ★★★★ | December 2024
GOING FOR GOLD | ★★★★ | November 2024
THE FORSYTE SAGA | ★★★★★ | October 2024
AUTUMN | ★★½ | October 2024
23.5 HOURS | ★★★ | September 2024
BITTER LEMONS | ★★★½ | August 2024
WHEN IT HAPPENS TO YOU | ★★★★★ | August 2024
IVO GRAHAM: CAROUSEL | ★★★★ | June 2024
A SINGLE MAN | ★★★★ | May 2024
SUN BEAR | ★★★ | April 2024
HIDE AND SEEK | ★★★★ | March 2024





We’re now on BLUESKY – click to visit and follow



UK Tour


Arcola Theatre


“Although lacking the traditional sleigh bells and Santa, it does have sufficient nostalgia, silliness and giggles to fill a panto-shaped hole”

In case you’re wondering, “Hold on to your butts” is a line from Samuel L Jackson as he is about to reboot the computer systems of Jurassic Park in the 1993 ground-breaking monster flick.

It’s a terrible title for a fun evening but, I suppose, theatre company Recent Cutbacks can’t stick “Jurassic Park” anywhere near the poster for legal reasons.

But the copyright holders need not fear for their intellectual property. It’s in safe hands. This madcap shot-for-shot re-creation of the mega-dinosaur smash is made by people who adore the movie. And love movie-making.

It’s 10 years since this slick whistlestop tribute opened in New York City, later wowing crowds at the Edinburgh Fringe and now setting up at the Arcola under the direction of Kristin McCarthy Parker. Although lacking the traditional sleigh bells and Santa, it does have sufficient nostalgia, silliness and giggles to fill a panto-shaped hole.

This production takes you back. Not just to Steven Spielberg’s genius film, but to your garage, or garden, or park. Where on a rainy Sunday, with nothing else to do and the wifi down, you and your mates stumble upon a cardboard box from Tesco which once held pineapples. The box becomes everything – castle, racing car, majestic pirate ship scything the seven seas…

Here, two performers and a sound artist perform a similar feat of ingenuity and imagination in this lo-fi, charming and very funny evocation of the original.

What’s that you say? A herd of serene brachiosaurus sweeping across the plains of Isla Nublar? Here you go. A mosquito trapped in a piece of amber? A barley sugar will suffice, no?

Performers Jack Baldwin and Laurence Pears tread the fine line between slavish adoration of the original and good-natured fanboy parody. On the sidelines, but equally a star, is foley artist Charlie Ives recreating T-Rex roars, rainstorms, computer beeps, creaking branches and everything else that helps make the fun funnier.

The humour is often of the Airplane! variety – aforementioned (pre-Pulp Fiction) Samuel L Jackson’s growing smoking habit an example – and much of the joy is in the anticipation, figuring out how two men and some props retrieved from a trash can are going to make a car fall through a tree, or create the tension of a raptor hunt. And there’s much humour to be mined in the script too – such as Jeff Goldblum’s wry “chaotician” delivering his memorable brow-knitted cod-philosophies studded with Pinteresque ‘umms’ and pauses. Or that perky and patronising strand of DNA explaining how cloning works.

It helps to know something about the film because the sheer challenge of miniaturisation does lend itself to some confusion, but the iconic scenes are all there as anchors – the ripples on the cup of water, T-Rex going to town on a toilet-bound Donald Gennaro, probing a big pile of dino-poop, sweaty Wayne Knight, girlie Laura Dern…

This is the perfect night for anyone who’s ever seen a stack of cone party hats and thought – three of them, artfully placed – there’s my triceratops!


Arcola Theatre then UK Tour continues

Reviewed on 13th December 2024

by Giles Broadbent

Photography by Mark Senior








Previously reviewed at this venue:

THE BAND BACK TOGETHER | ★★★★ | September 2024
MR PUNCH AT THE OPERA | ★★★ | August 2024
THE BOOK OF GRACE | ★★★★★ | May 2024
LIFE WITH OSCAR | ★★★ | April 2024
WHEN YOU PASS OVER MY TOMB | ★★★★★ | February 2024
SPUTNIK SWEETHEART | ★★★ | October 2023
GENTLEMEN | ★★★★ | October 2023
THE WETSUITMAN | ★★★ | August 2023
UNION | ★★★ | July 2023





We’re now on BLUESKY – click to visit and follow