Tag Archives: Hen and Chickens Theatre

The First Modern Man

The First Modern Man

Hen & Chickens Theatre

The First Modern Man

The First Modern Man

Hen & Chickens Theatre

Reviewed – 21st February 2019



“Jonathan Hansler gives an imposing performance as the French philosopher, holding court as he meanders through his life and thoughts”


To condense the life of Michel de Montaigne into an entertaining hour’s show, complete with insightful quotations and amusing anecdotes, is no mean feat. A Renaissance humanist who has been criticised, appreciated and revered over the centuries, his ‘essays’ are a record of his thoughts and experiences, written and shaped as they came to him and giving rise to a new literary form; “As my mind roams, so does my style”. Born in 1533, he was witness to the decline of intellectual optimism in France – the Calvinist Reformation and the Wars of Religion – which rejected not only his education but also his fiercely active mind. After a career in the local justice system and the Bordeaux Parliament, and with inherited financial security, he retired from public life to the tower in his chateau to read, write and meditate. And this is where we meet ‘The First Modern Man’.

Writer, Michael Barry, lends us the role of an English visitor and in the intimate setting of his tower, Michel tells us about his upbringing, his travels, his cat, his family, his ailments… his mind flitting from one subject to another. The play mirrors his fluid train of thought, but the overall impression lacks shape. He manages to fill the hour to the brim with all the important stages of de Montaigne’s life and copious details from his writing, but the play strides from beginning to end with little contrast. Jonathan Hansler gives an imposing performance as the French philosopher, holding court as he meanders through his life and thoughts. His comic timing is excellent but the direction rushes past the possible natural dynamics of this prolix monologue.

Director, Helen Niland makes constructive use of the small stage space but the explanatory movement, props and technical effects detract from the words, which are what holds de Montaigne’s story together. The pace and busyness may be intended to reflect a mind running after itself but in spite of a few punctuated pauses, it often feels like a race against the clock. Both the lighting (Venus Raven) and sound (Julian Starr) are consistent with the action but become almost blatant in their unnecessary underlining of the script.

The title ‘The First Modern Man’, attributed to de Montaigne by twentieth century literary critic Erich Auerbach, certainly echoes the blogs and posts of today’s social media and what’s more, his scepticism, his position as nominal Catholic and his insistence on his own mediocrity point to the ‘dumbing down’ often referred to nowadays. His writing shows a man out of the context of his time, sensitive, open to the unusual and seeking security in the back room of his mind, but this perspective fails to come across. It is, nevertheless, a very watchable show, full of interesting contemplation and observation but would benefit from allowing de Montaigne’s character to grow in dimension or risk being a dramatised ‘Horrible Histories’ lesson.


Reviewed by Joanna Hetherington


The First Modern Man

Hen & Chickens Theatre until 2nd March


Previously reviewed at this venue:
Abducting Diana | ★★★½ | March 2018
Isaac Saddlesore & the Witches of Drenn | ★★★★ | April 2018
I Will Miss you When You’re Gone | ★★½ | September 2018
Mojo | ★★ | November 2018
Hawk | ★★★ | December 2018


Click here to see more of our latest reviews on thespyinthestalls.com




Hen & Chickens Theatre



Hen & Chickens Theatre

Reviewed – 6th December 2018


“a show with some wittily surreal ideas, but one which requires a good deal of tightening and refining”


‘As If’ – a comic theatre company comprising Exeter Uni alumni – present this Mighty Boosh style narrative sketch show and strong contender for strangest show currently on in London. This is essentially a collection of surreal skits loosely marshalled into a shaggy-dog narrative. The plot (if the term applies) concerns a washed-up, Withnail-esque rock musician called ‘Hawk’ who speaks to his alter-ego via a mirror in his Ukelele. After years of apparent failure, Hawk composes ‘the greatest rock song of all time’ but is devastated when the lone copy of its chord sheet is stolen, sending him on a wild goose chase to uncover the culprit. A german electro diva who invites her boyfriend to chew on her strawberry lace hair and a kitchen sink drama about a family of ants give a taste of the wackiness on offer here.

Shows in this relentlessly zany style can be trying. However, a good deal of smart, pop-music based humour (one twist on an NWA lyric prompted applause) and several inspired characters called things like ‘Barnaby Carnaby’ and ‘Crystal Beth’ balance out the show’s more self-indulgent impulses. There are also some promising visual ideas: a man fitted out with antennae who picks up radio signals and a creatively staged final revelation scene suggest an imaginative directorial hand. Committed performances sustain the energy even when the writing falls apart. Jake Tacchi, as DCI Sting and Anthony, the furious patriarchal ant, was especially funny. The company has commendable philanthropic objectives: they have worked with Good Chance Theatre and a portion of their ticket sales go the charity, War Child.

However, the show perhaps wears its Fielding & Barratt influence a little too far on its sleeve and some riffs run perilously close to direct Boosh rip-offs. It is very baggy, evidently under-rehearsed and the hit/miss ratio tilts towards the latter as the show goes on. A crowded cast (eight actors) results in numerous characters feeling underdeveloped or superfluous.

In all, it’s a show with some wittily surreal ideas, but one which requires a good deal of tightening and refining.


Reviewed by Joe Spence

Photography by Ben Phillip




Hen & Chickens Theatre



Previously reviewed at this venue:
Abducting Diana | ★★★½ | March 2018
Isaac Saddlesore & the Witches of Drenn | ★★★★ | April 2018
I Will Miss you When You’re Gone | ★★½ | September 2018
Mojo | ★★ | November 2018




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