Tag Archives: Mona Camille



Southwark Playhouse Borough


Southwark Playhouse Borough


“The final scenes are affecting – the clever use of lighting being one of the stars of the show”

A farmer, a petty thief and a Jewish philosopher walk up to some bars. Sounds like the beginning of a bad taste joke. And it is. This is the sickest of all jokes as the three mismatched Third Reich prisoners – the eponymous Canned Goods – are fattened, flattered and sold a lie about their date with destiny.

So why are they receiving unexpected kindnesses from their SS jailers? The answer is to be found in the programme notes which somewhat drains the evening of tension.

This is writer Erik Kahn’s retelling of the Gleiwitz incident on August 31, 1939, which effectively began World War Two.

The Gleiwitz Incident was a false flag operation carried out by Nazi Germany to create a pretext for invading Poland. In the incident, SS operatives, dressed in Polish military uniforms, attacked a German radio station in the town of Gleiwitz.

To bolster the illusion, they used the bodies of prisoners, dressed them in Polish uniforms, and left them at the site as “evidence” for the Press to photograph.

Much of what is known about Gleiwitz comes from the affidavit of SS-Sturmbannführer Alfred Naujocks at the Nuremberg trials. In this uneven production, Naujocks – all oily smiles, cognac, and swirling cigarette smoke – re-creates the operation as grand theatre, alluding to our complicity as docile and gullible voyeurs.

Among those whose bodies were left behind were that of Honiok (Tom Wells) who had Polish sympathies. Others were anonymous prisoners of Dachau and here they are revived and given names and lives to lose. They are wry Jewish teacher Birnbaum (Charlie Archer) and petty criminal and anti-Semite Kruger (Rowan Polonski), naively patriotic to the end. Archer and Polonski provide the most nuanced performances of an evening consisting mostly of archetypes.

The conceit is rich in potential – stick three contrasting figures in a cell, give them an occasional stir by the provocative Naujacks (a lupine Dan Parr) and then set them raging against the dying of the light. But the three never have time to evolve much beyond their prescriptive origin stories, the script lacking rhythm and momentum in director Charlotte Cohn’s ambitious but over fussy production.

The play is presented as a series of academic explorations of war – from polemics on anti-Semitism, to the role of God on the battlefield – issued as pleas from clueless pawns in a global conflict.

The prisoners, whose performances are rigorous and well-constructed, hold out the tantalising hope that they might break free from their oratorical straitjackets and become rounded characters, but this promise is too frequently snatched away in the rush to hammer home some on-the-nose point about Hitler being a bad sort.

The final scenes are affecting – the clever use of lighting (by Ryan Joseph Stafford) being one of the stars of the show. And the image of a press photographer posing bodies brings us smack up to date with evocations of Abu Ghraib and the shocking iconography of degradation.

Ultimately, though, the play demands less of us than the subject matter should insist upon.


Southwark Playhouse Borough

Reviewed on 20th January 2025

by Giles Broadbent

Photography by Mark Senior









Recently reviewed at Southwark Playhouse venues:

THE HAPPIEST MAN ON EARTH | ★★★★★ | November 2024
[TITLE OF SHOW] | ★★★ | November 2024
THE UNGODLY | ★★★ | October 2024
FOREVERLAND | ★★★★ | October 2024
JULIUS CAESAR | ★★★ | September 2024
DORIAN: THE MUSICAL | ★★½ | July 2024
THE BLEEDING TREE | ★★★★ | June 2024
MAY 35th | ★★★½ | May 2024
SAPPHO | ★★ | May 2024
CAPTAIN AMAZING | ★★★★★ | May 2024
POLICE COPS: THE MUSICAL | ★★★★ | March 2024

Canned Goods

Canned Goods

Canned Goods





Riverside Studios

KIM’S CONVENIENCE at Riverside Studios


“The performances were a pleasure to watch; each actor showing great nuance and detail in their characterisation”

Ins Choi’s ‘Kim’s Convenience’ returns to London this month at Riverside Studios, with Choi reprising his lead role of Appa. A play that has seen vast success over the years, including a five season television series, following its original performance at Toronto Fringe Festival in 2011. The sitcom feel to the show is strong in this iteration, however, I fear it lets the material itself down.

Appa runs his store ‘Kim’s Convenience’ under seemingly peaceful circumstances, until one day a local corporate businessman offers to buy it – following the announcement of a new Walmart to be built in the area. This man inspires him to come to the decision he wants to retire. The play then follows Appa’s quest to convince one of his unsatisfied children to take over the store.

One of the greatest highlights of this show is the design. Mona Camille provides the audience with an incredibly realistic set of a convenience store – including bright and colourful details of various products on sale including many Korean and Canadian snacks. The lighting (Jonathan Chan) also reflects the just a little bit too bright environment very familiar among retail establishments. The performances were a pleasure to watch; each actor showing great nuance and detail in their characterisation. Miles Mitchell deserves particular praise for his excellence in multi-roling (Rich, Mr Lee, Mike, Alex), with an eclectic mix of accents and personas on display. Choi has a clear and colourful understanding of the character he has written and welcomes the audience beautifully into Appa’s world throughout.

Where the play falls flat is in its lack of character development and the deus ex machina conclusion. The audience is told that Appa’s son Jung (Edward Wu) is basically estranged from the family, except from occasionally seeing his mother Umma (Namju Go) at Church. Their lack of relationship is said to be due to previous abuse. When given this context I was quite shocked, as all previous examples of physical manhandling (arguably assault) are played off as a joke. Suddenly, the show darkened for me at that point. Jung and Appa do rekindle their relationship – yet this is done in the space of about five minutes, and Appa doesn’t really do any work to apologise to, or heal with his son.

Appa also displays a lot of mistreatment towards his underappreciated daughter Janet (Jennifer Kim). This being a combination of patronising her, dismissing her career and her relationship status and throwing props at her. All is resolved, however, when Janet gets a boyfriend! I understand that Appa is meant to be a flawed character and the story isn’t trying to be groundbreaking in it’s dysfunctional family narrative, but it just feels like too many flaws to overlook as just the loving father who we love in spite of everything. Because his love is seemingly dependent on his children submitting to his will. The comedy that comes from this is continuous throughout the show yet I must say not particularly to my taste.

The show ‘Kevin Can F*** Himself’ comes to mind with this play. The classic loveable rogue father leads the plot, yet at the expense of the other characters playing along with his narrative. Overall making the play feel rather dated and out of touch.


KIM’S CONVENIENCE at Riverside Studios

Reviewed on 11th September 2024

by David Robinson

Photography by Danny Kaan







Previously reviewed at this venue:

THE WEYARD SISTERS | ★★ | August 2024
MADWOMEN OF THE WEST | ★★ | August 2024
MOFFIE | ★★★ | June 2024
KING LEAR | ★★★★ | May 2024
THIS IS MEMORIAL DEVICE | ★★★★ | April 2024
ARTIFICIALLY YOURS | ★★★ | April 2024
ULSTER AMERICAN | ★★★★★ | December 2023
OTHELLO | ★★★★ | October 2023
FLOWERS FOR MRS HARRIS | ★★★★ | October 2023
RUN TO THE NUNS – THE MUSICAL | ★★★★ | July 2023
THE SUN WILL RISE | ★★★ | July 2023

Kim’s Convenience

Kim’s Convenience

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