Tag Archives: Paul Taylor-Mills



Edinburgh Festival Fringe

COME DINE WITH ME: THE MUSICAL at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe


“an absolute treat”

Come Dine With Me is a national treasure of British television, having been on our screens on Channel 4 since 2005. It’s contributed greatly to the world of meme culture and is much-loved (and watched) by people all over the world. Given the success of previous television-inspired musicals, such as the hugely popular Great British Bake Off: The Musical, it makes perfect sense that someone has finally had the idea of turning this TV classic into the next big fringe musical hit.

The team comprises writer and lyricist Sam Norman, composer Aaron King, and is co-created with Nell Butler and Genevieve Welch, who both work directly on the actual TV show itself. It all starts with the TV crew – producer, camera, and sound operator – farcically falling about the auditorium as the audience take their seats. The show starts and there’s a problem: the nation loves Come Dine With Me, but ratings aren’t what they used to be, and the producer Mary (Daniele Coombe) needs something really special to happen to maintain the show’s success. The format then follows that of the TV show: four contestants take it in turns to host a dinner party, each getting a score from the others, and the winner receives a £1000 cash prize. The writers do a neat job at briefly packing this exposition into the start of the narrative, just to make sure anyone who hasn’t seen the show is caught up. What follows is a bit different though. As the nights begin the contestants are being sabotaged by someone, but who? A nightmare for the contestants, this becomes an opportunity for peak TV drama for Mary.

I’m a slight cynic when it comes to big title musical adaptations based on reality TV shows, but turns out I had nothing to fear with this one. The songs are excellent, with some cracking lyrics; Teddy (Harry Chandler) self-describing as ‘a virgin on the verge of turning into a hermit’ as a standout line.

Sure, there’s not much depth to the story, but with a slick 60-minute run time you don’t need it really. The cast give fantastic performances. Coombe’s vocals are electric and her stage presence commanding, with a semi-villainous number giving her a real opportunity to shine.

The top performance though comes from Chandler as Teddy, who plays the awkward nerdiness to perfection. He makes his body small and wriggly, and is charmingly adorable in his interactions with love interest Janey (Sophie Hutchinson). His vocals are incredible, with a rich, deep voice that is tightly controlled and a joy to listen to. I was going to add that he’d make a superb Enjolras in Les Mis, but a quick CV search shows he’s actually played the part already! And no surprise there. Chandler and Hutchinson delight with their duet singing ‘We could drink champagne, we could light a candle, we could share a meal, when the world feels inhumane.’ It’s a real highlight of the show.

Some of the characters feel more fleshed out than others. Kim Ismay is a lot of fun as the stiff upper-lipped Barbara and her song about cooking French cuisine is a hoot. It would be great to see the other contestants developed a bit further for the show’s future life, which I really hope this gets as it’s an absolute treat.

COME DINE WITH ME: THE MUSICAL at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe – Underbelly – Bristo Square – Cowbarn

Reviewed on 16th August 2024

by Joseph Dunitz

Photography by Mark Senior










Theatre Royal Haymarket



Theatre Royal Haymarket

Reviewed – 12th July 2021



“a shouty affair that drowns out much of the tragedy, truth and trauma running through the heart of the piece”


I approach “Heathers the Musical” somewhat as an outsider. In a seemingly packed, though socially distanced auditorium, I am detached from the majority of the audience. Although I am hoping to be drawn in, and accepted. Based on the eighties’ movie, which originally flopped only to become a cult; the musical rapidly became a cult in its own right while skipping the pre-requisite critical rejection that qualifies its status. What marks this production out from the start is the enthusiasm with which it is presented and received. Everything about it is heightened and it often feels like you are in a cartoon.

Set very specifically in 1989, it adopts the high school setting so popular at the time, but twists the genre into something much darker. It reaches further than the typical subject matter of peer pressure and rebellion and attempts to grapple with teenage suicide and the fatal attraction of belonging to a clique. The clique in question is a trio of girls, all called Heather, who hold sway with a swagger that pushes credibility to the limit. For reasons governed by plot clichés, the protagonist – Veronica – is desperate to run with this pack. To say that she eventually outruns them is no spoiler; we can all see it coming as visibly as the love interest side-line.

What rescues the storyline are the quirks, the shocks and body-count that we don’t anticipate. And the oddball minor characters that outshine the leads in most cases. Andy Fickman’s production is a shouty affair that drowns out much of the tragedy, truth and trauma running through the heart of the piece. The more successful moments are when the volume gets turned down and the irony and sporadic subversiveness is allowed to be heard.

Christina Bennington is in fine voice as Veronica, torn between following her fantasy (in the shape of the three Heathers) or her conscience, represented by the Baudelaire reading, enigmatic Jason ‘JD’ Dean; gleefully played with a tongue-in-cheek assuredness by Jordan Luke Gage. His rapid metamorphosis from sympathetic to psychopathic is fun to watch. Less so are the eponymous Heathers; Jodie Steele, Bobbie Little and Frances Mayli McCann who screech far too much for their own good. At least Steele has the advantage of her ‘Heather’ being killed off fairly early on, allowing her to come back and haunt the perpetrators – a sardonic ghost that sheds more light and shade on proceedings than those still alive and clinging onto a script that is pulling them under.

It is buoyed up by the music that, despite its subject matter, powers the piece with energy and optimism. Bizarrely this sense of optimism and misplaced nostalgia is what characterises “Heathers” which, in effect, is a musical about high school killers. It makes light of the issues but doesn’t succeed in highlighting them by the humour. But what do I know? As I said at the start – I am the outsider; detached from the rest of the audience. There’s no denying this is a solid production, with a dream cast of West End talent. And there’s no denying its guaranteed success. It has bludgeoned its way into its cult status – but at the cost of sensitivity.


Reviewed by Jonathan Evans

Photography by Pamela Raith 



Theatre Royal Haymarket until 11th September


Previously reviewed by Jonathan this year:
Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Hung Parliament | ★★★★ | Online | February 2021
The Picture of Dorian Gray | ★★★★ | Online | March 2021
Bklyn The Musical | ★★★★★ | Online | March 2021
Remembering the Oscars | ★★★ | Online | March 2021
Disenchanted | ★★★ | Online | April 2021
Preludes in Concert | ★★★★★ | Online | May 2021
You Are Here | ★★★★ | Southwark Playhouse | May 2021
Abba Mania | ★★★★ | Shaftesbury Theatre | May 2021
Cruise | ★★★★★ | Duchess Theatre | May 2021
Amélie The Musical | ★★★★ | Criterion Theatre | June 2021
Forever Plaid | ★★★★ | Upstairs at the Gatehouse | June 2021
Forgetful Heart | ★★★★ | Online | June 2021
Express G&S | ★★★★ | Pleasance Theatre | June 2021
The Hooley | ★★★★★ | Chiswick House & Gardens | June 2021
Staircase | ★★★ | Southwark Playhouse | June 2021
Bad Days And Odd Nights | ★★★★★ | Greenwich Theatre | June 2021


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