Tag Archives: Ryan Day



Theatre Royal Stratford East

NOW, I SEE at the Theatre Royal Stratford East


“All three actors have wonderful chemistry together, expressing a totally believable fraternal bond.”

Movement in theatre can often feel forced in an attempt to be Avant Garde. Cringe-inducing lyrical movement to show passion or staccato twitching under strobe to show something dark. In Now I See, Lanre Malaolu’s second play in what will be a trilogy as writer, director and movement director, modern black British masculinity is explored in a style of storytelling that naturally and organically interweaves narrative and movement to enhance the drama.

Set at the funeral of one of three brothers, the play is mostly a two hander between the remaining siblings, interspersed with flashbacks to a youth spent playing rough, making up dance routines, and impersonating the Power Rangers. A low-res hum of afro beats provides constant background music (sound design Pär Carlsson), cut with contemporary Black British pop and R&B to accompany some of the more involved moments of movement. Kieron (Oliver Alvin-Wilson) and Dayo (Nnabiko Ejimofor) appear not to have had much of a relationship in recent years, the cause for which is side stepped around and never addressed head on. What is clear is that the onset of sickle cell anaemia for their brother, Adeyeye (Tendai Humphrey Sitima) led to the issues between the brothers and the rest of the family. It’s fitting, then, that the remembrance of Adeyeye’s life should act as a healing experience for them.



Malaolu’s movement expresses emotion – joy, pain, relief – where words fail; enhancing the drama, rather than distracting. Set and staging (Igrid Hu) further complement the movement with a recurring rippling motif extending from drapery across the proscenium arch through to water filling a perspex coffin ever present downstage. In one particularly effective moment Alvin-Wilson as Kieron describes a dream he has had about a bird, a metaphor for his own deep buried pain. Under dim lighting, Nnabiko Ejimofor crosses down stage as the bird, taking slow timid steps before his movement becomes larger and more erratic, visualising the nightmarish quality of Kieron’s dream sequence.

All three actors have wonderful chemistry together, expressing a totally believable fraternal bond. Alvin-Wilson is the gruff, strong man. The eldest brother ground down by life. Who has hardened his exterior to protect against the cruel world and bad luck he has been dealt. Ejimofor is younger, more hopeful, trusting. He embodies the bookish stereotype of a man in touch with his emotions and perceptive to those of others. Tendai Humphrey Sitima as Adeyeye is largely silent in his role as the deceased brother, other than for occasional voice overs. This makes his perhaps the most difficult role of the three, never off stage but hardly at the centre of the drama; a constant presence circling his brothers haunting them or being haunted by them.

This all seems rather dark, but the cast seems to be enjoying themselves so much delivering the witty lines that more than once more than one actor can’t hold it together. Malaolu’s early successes may have been through movement and dance but this piece shows his talents as a writer, despite a slightly over indulgent climactic clash between the brothers in the second act. The script is surprisingly funny and warm for a play about grief and family trauma. But it’s through the smart delivery that the specificity written into the characters comes to life.

NOW, I SEE at the Theatre Royal Stratford East

Reviewed on 16th May 2024

by Amber Woodward

Photography by Camilla Greenwell





Previously reviewed at this venue:

CHEEKY LITTLE BROWN | ★★★½ | April 2024
THE BIG LIFE | ★★★★★ | February 2024
BEAUTIFUL THING | ★★★★★ | September 2023



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Backstairs Billy

Backstairs Billy


Duke of York’s Theatre

BACKSTAIRS BILLY at the Duke of York’s Theatre


Backstairs Billy

“Evans’ performance is majestic in itself – flamboyant, teasing and mischievous, yet complicated”

William Tallon started writing letters to the Royal Household, asking for work, when he was aged ten. His dream was achieved five years later, in 1951, when he was invited to Easter Court at Windsor, then Buckingham Palace. After the death of King George VI, he followed Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother to Clarence House, where he remained until her death in 2002. During his time, he earned the nickname “Backstairs Billy”, having risen to the position of ‘Page of the Backstairs’. His service and devotion have seeped into popular culture, spawning a Channel 4 documentary two years after his own death, and now Marcelo Dos Santos’ new play in the West End.

Set at the end of the 1970s, Michael Grandage’s production comes dressed as a gentle comedy – almost a farce – but has an extra-strong kick to it beneath the surface. Much like the cocktails Billy serves to The Queen Mother’s guests; all sweet cordial yet with a hidden punch that takes you by surprise. We meet Billy (Luke Evans) presiding over the Household staff, like a virtuoso conductor, as they prepare for one of Ma’am’s receptions in the Garden Room of Clarence House. Immediately we latch on to his irrepressible and subversive irreverence, matched by his unfailing loyalty. We can see why he has earned his privileges, and the special place he holds in the Queen Mother’s heart. Evans’ performance is majestic in itself – flamboyant, teasing and mischievous, yet complicated. Much comedy is drawn from his relationship with other members of the staff, particularly the rivalry with Mr Kerr (Ian Drysdale) the officious killjoy bent on driving Billy out.

“a gorgeously entertaining and traditional piece of theatre”

The Queen Mother was traditionally (allegedly) quarter of an hour late for her ‘at-homes’. It is the same amount of time before Penelope Wilton’s queenly entrance. Immediately in command, Wilton has grasped the hidden essence of the Queen Mother’s character and philosophy. It has often been said that when people met her, she did her best to make them go away feeling better. There is a glint in Wilton’s eye and an infectious smile that matches Evans’ naughtiness. The dynamic between Wilton and Evans is a true delight to watch. Yes, they may be an odd couple, and the Royal etiquette may be stretched a bit, but it is a totally believable friendship that works well on stage. Dos Santos’ script is packed full of one liners that poke fun at all levels of society. A strong supporting cast play various guests, whose comedic flare reminds us of the colourful and eccentric characters who populated Fawlty Towers.

The second act wanders into all out farce. Billy was (allegedly – again) known for bringing his gay lovers back to Clarence House after dark. In the play, one such ‘pick up’ was black artist (Eloka Ivo) who leaves behind his latest sculpture, a large black phallus, which inevitably rears its head the following day. Ivo displays a comic genius as he is mistakenly passed off as a Prince of Lesotho when he returns to collect his ‘artwork’. We are now in Joe Orton territory, but we are keen to be steered back to the central couple. When we are, it is in the aftermath of this scandal that threatens Billy’s position. A slightly jarring moment during which the Queen Mother tests Billy’s loyalty almost sadistically.

But overall, it is a gorgeously entertaining and traditional piece of theatre. Admittedly some serious issues are glossed over. The ‘Winter of Discontent’ that is blowing outside beyond the comfortable confines of Clarence House is cursorily commented on. Yet the subject of class divide is sensitively touched upon between the comedic lines. There are flashback scenes to the recently widowed Queen Mother during which Ilan Galkoff touchingly portrays a fifteen-year-old Billy at the start of his journey, while Wilton draws every ounce of empathy with her depiction of a woman learning to laugh once again. Backstairs Billy was a breath of fresh air to the former Queen consort. “Backstairs Billy” is a breath of fresh air in the West End.

BACKSTAIRS BILLY at the Duke of York’s Theatre

Reviewed on 8th November 2023

by Jonathan Evans

Photography by Johan Persson





Previously reviewed at this venue:

Much Ado About Nothing | ★★★★ | February 2023

Backstairs Billy

Backstairs Billy

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