Tag Archives: Rachael Nanyonjo



Garrick Theatre

BOYS FROM THE BLACKSTUFF at the Garrick Theatre


“the work feels constrained by its loyalty to the original series”

James Graham’s latest stage play following smash hit ‘Dear England’ is another piece that seeks to show us something about the state of the nation, albeit this time from a historical, rather than contemporary, lens. Boys from the Blackstuff is an adaptation of Alan Bleasdale’s 1982 TV drama, considered among the best TV dramas of the twentieth century and currently available on BBC iPlayer. Now playing at the Garrick Theatre after transferring from the Liverpool Royal Court via the National Theatre, it’s a piece that attempts to both act as a faithful homage to the much-loved series, whilst introducing the blackstuff to younger audiences more likely to assume it’s in reference to the decline of mining towns than out of work tarmac layers.

Despite some suggestions that the play is just as relevant today, if not more so, than it was on TV release in 1982, this is most definitely a period piece. Unemployment in the UK in the early 1980s reached more than 10%, a far cry from the current national average of 4%. But in Liverpool, unemployment reached a whopping 20%, double the national average, following the collapse of the shipping industry and shedding of workers by major employers that were or still are common household names: United Biscuits, Tate and Lyle, Kellogg’s and Schweppes. Whilst this trend of higher-than-average unemployment persists in Liverpool today, the scale of the challenge is incomparable to what was experienced some 40 years ago.

Some of the underlying causes for this are explored in the play with characters providing theories from economics to geography. But ultimately, the ensemble piece shows how all the boys: Chrissie, Yosser, George, Dixie, Loggo and Snowy; are all most concerned with how they will survive, quite literally, as breadwinners for their families.



It takes a while for each of the characters to develop beyond surface level for several reasons. In Act One, the too short scenes are punctuated by over-choreographed set changes accompanied by the singing of an adapted Irish folk song, meaning conversations feel stunted. Time is also given to comic moments seemingly dropped in from the series that are not particularly sophisticated but got big laughs from the crowd.

All this results in a simplisitic portrayal of ‘good’ boys just trying to provide for themselves and their families picking up casual work and claiming the giro vs. the evil staff at the Department for Employment. Things do improve in Act Two, but it’s too long coming, meaning when Snowy dies after being chased by the dole-snoopers, we know too little about him to really care.

The most developed character is Yosser Hughes (Barry Sloane), the most forceful and fearsome of the group. Sloane’s portrayal of a man in the midst of a mental breakdown is rousing, aided by Kate Wasserberg’s choice to have him speak to his kids without them appearing on stage in an otherwise realist piece. This is explained at the show’s climax to devastating effect. But alongside this quite tragic arc, Sloane must continually regurgitate Yosser’s ‘gizza job’ catch phrase, which again may work on TV spread out over many episodes, but wore thin after it’s umpteenth hearing.

One of the piece’s saving grace’s is Amy Jane Cook’s set and costume design which feels fresh and exciting, with ominous cranes like fossilized relics of Liverpool’s once glorious past towering over the action. But on the whole, the work feels constrained by its loyalty to the original series, with the potential for more tension and drama in a more radical interpretation, rather than the apparently faithful condensation of a five-part series to a 2.5-hour stage production.


BOYS FROM THE BLACKSTUFF at the Garrick Theatre

Reviewed on 18th June 2024

by Amber Woodward

Photography by Alastair Muir






Boys From the Blackstuff was originally commissioned and produced by Liverpool Royal Court


Previously reviewed at the Garrick Theatre:

FOR BLACK BOYS … | ★★★★ | March 2024
HAMNET | ★★★ | October 2023
THE CROWN JEWELS | ★★★ | August 2023
ORLANDO | ★★★★ | December 2022
MYRA DUBOIS: DEAD FUNNY | ★★★★ | September 2021



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UK Tour

MOBY DICK at the Royal and Derngate Theatre


“It is one of the finest pieces of theatre I have seen”

Simple8 present an ambitious adaptation (by Sebastian Armesto) of Herman Melville’s epic 1851 adventure, directed by Jesse Jones. There is a minimal set (designer Kate Bunce) of scaffolding on either side of the stage. Through the haze can be discerned a cache of musical instruments – fiddle, cello, dulcimer, drum.

Ishmael (Mark Arends) – a well-spoken, well-dressed schoolmaster – sets the scene. He has come to Nantucket to join a whaling ship, just for the experience. As he moves from bar to bar, he hears talk of the mysterious one-legged Captain Ahab, and the name Moby Dick, anathema to many, whispered in hushed tones. Overnight, Ishmael befriends the gentle savage Queequeg (Tom Swale), and together they join the whaling ship Pequod, fatefully chosen at random.

Now the story can start in earnest. The stage is transformed as the brilliant ensemble, singing and playing throughout, builds an impression of the ship using just wooden planks and ropes. A life at sea is recreated – swabbing the deck, sharing some rum, singing songs. If much of the period dialogue is somewhat stilted, the ensemble excels at their dumbshow set-pieces. The crew man the capstan, turning the imaginary wheel with cries of heave and haul, the efforts of their hard work clear to see. A beautiful rendition of a sailing ballad is heard (Jonathan Charles musical director) as the backcloth shines in green and blue reflecting on the romance of the sea (Johanna Town lighting designer).

And then the spell is broken by the sighting of the crew’s first whale. A most brilliantly conceived and executed scene ensues. The crew row out to chase the whale, to subsequently haul it in and demonstrably kill it. The stage is flooded with red light to emphasize the bloody nature of the deed. It is one of the finest pieces of theatre I have seen.

The narrative, as in the novel, is driven by Ishmael and Mark Arends gives a towering performance in this central role – quietly spoken but assured. Captain Ahab (Guy Rhys) does a lot of shouting – the mantra is “Kill Moby Dick” – but we don’t get to the bottom of his obsession beyond that of having lost a leg. The well-spoken Hannah Emanuel gives rather a too light touch in the important role of Mr Starbuck who is the only crew member able to stand up to Ahab. Something more appropriately rougher is provided by the first mates (James Newton & William Pennington). But this is ultimately an ensemble piece with music and movement (Rachael Nanyonjo movement director) central to the storytelling and this talented cast of actor-musicians are excellent throughout. Special mention too for the cellist whose imitative sounds of whale music, especially during the final chase, is so central to the effectiveness and poignancy of the scenes.

MOBY DICK at the Royal and Derngate Theatre as part of UK tour

Reviewed on 10th April 2024

by Phillip Money

Photography by Manuel Harlan





Previously reviewed at this venue:

THE FROGS | ★★½ | January 2024
2:22 A GHOST STORY | ★★★ | January 2024
THE MIRROR CRACK’D | ★★★ | October 2022
THE TWO POPES | ★★★★ | October 2022
PLAYTIME | ★★★★ | September 2022
THE WELLSPRING | ★★★ | March 2022
BLUE / ORANGE | ★★★★ | November 2021
GIN CRAZE | ★★★★ | July 2021



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