Tag Archives: Simon Nathan






“a bumper pack of Christmas crackers – plenty of bangs, groan-worthy jokes, gimmicks and a squeaky toy”

In Scrooge-like fashion, the gremlins struck the press night of Nick Mohammed’s madcap festive spectacular causing the performance to be curtailed. They struck again on this second attempt, with technical difficulties interrupting the final act.

Such is the nature of A Christmas Carol(ish), starring Nick Mohammed’s gremlin-esque alter-ego Mr Swallow, that many of the audience thought the interregnum was part of the production’s nod-and-wink playfulness. The whole thing is a teetering calamity with sufficient nods to the perils of live entertainment to make an appearance by the stage crew almost inevitable.

The downtime was short-lived and towards the climax. By then the four-strong cast had garnered enough goodwill and provoked enough merriment to ensure most stayed around to see the story out.

Just as well, because still to come was Mohammed’s wire walk to retrieve a special parcel lodged in the roof at @Sohoplace. A real nail biter. You underestimate multi-talented Mr Mohammed at your peril.

This is Mohammed’s show – writer, lyricist, star – and it’s been upscaled from earlier incarnations with extra razzle and indeed dazzle. Helpfully, he introduces himself for those unfamiliar with his nasally high-pitched irritant character Mr Swallow, based on a real-life English teacher blended with a hint of Mr Bean.

The plot, such as it is, is modelled on the Dickensian classic with Scrooge replaced by Santa. But don’t attempt to follow the original text too closely – it’s a gumbo pot of festive treats. God appears (voice only) and the nativity story also gets a look-in with a faintly alarming but very funny replay of the birth of Jesus with Mr Swallow as a scouse midwife. Look away now kids.

In director Matt Peover’s song-speckled staging, Mohammed is ably and gamely supported by diva Rochelle (Ghosts’ Martha Howe-Douglas) who is doing them all a favour between Lloyd-Webber gigs; put-upon impresario Mr Goldsworth (David Elms); and ratty orphan Rudolph (Kieran Hodgson). They’re all playing roles in Mr Goldsworth’s production with overconfident and under rehearsed Mr Swallow the rogue element. You can understand why technical difficulties are the least of the production’s concerns.

Special mention for the set (Fly Davis) which appears like a Victorian Amazon warehouse, with boxes to the ceiling, but becomes, at various points, a glowing cityscape with candlelit windows, an advent calendar for character vignettes and, of course, a climbing wall for Mr Swallow’s high stakes scramble.

The reference that springs to mind is – admirably – one of those classic Morecambe and Wise plays “what Ernie wrote” with endless mugging, undercutting, quick fire gags and bags of whimsy. Quick-witted and winning Mohammed is at the centre of it all. He brings his impish charms to what has evolved into an ambitious and glittery production that delivers more often than not.

It’s a bumper pack of Christmas crackers – plenty of bangs, groan-worthy jokes, gimmicks and a squeaky toy. Mishappy Christmas, Mr Swallow.



Reviewed on 26th November 2024

by Giles Broadbent

Photography by Matt Crockett








Previously reviewed at this venue:

DEATH OF ENGLAND: DELROY | ★★★★★ | July 2024
DEATH OF ENGLAND: MICHAEL | ★★★★★ | July 2024
THE LITTLE BIG THINGS | ★★★★ | September 2023
BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN | ★★★★★ | May 2023



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Theatre Royal Drury Lane

PIPPIN IN CONCERT at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane


“The air is thick with the exhilaration that flows from the cast and ensemble”

“We’ve got magic to do, just for you… We’ve got miracle plays to play. We’ve got parts to perform – hearts to warm… as we go along our way”. Barely into the opening number, as the London Musical Theatre Orchestra reaches its crescendo and the ArtsEd Choir swells in beautiful unison, we know that these bold promises in the libretto will be fulfilled. Already our hearts are warmed. We are in for a magical ride. The fiftieth anniversary concert of “Pippin” at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane is nothing short of a miracle. The realisation comes with a shower of golden confetti falling over the auditorium as we look around expecting to see Simon Cowell wildly banging his Golden Buzzer.

It boasts a star-studded cast, led by… well – the ‘Leading Player’. Alex Newell commands the stage, their presence demolishing the fourth wall while their soaring vocals bring down the roof. For a moment we are in pure Motown territory. But we cover much more varied ground in this show-within-a-show musical that leads its protagonist on a rich journey in pursuit of fulfilment and purpose; of an illusory ‘American Dream’.

Jonathan O’Boyle has brought this fifty-year-old musical right into the present day, not just giving its over simplified social commentary a twenty-first century relevance, but also laying bare the inherent comedy within Roger O. Hirson’s book. The dialogue elicits just as many laughs as the songs prompt ovations. Tucked away are moments of philosophical satire that Voltaire would have been proud of. But let’s stay away from analysis and focus on the spectacle, for that is what this revival is all about. While the cast bring something new and fresh to the table, the authenticity is left intact. Joanna Goodwin’s choreography is modern yet full of timeless moments of pure Fosse, while Simon Nathan’s sumptuous orchestrations are simultaneously contemporary and traditional. Orchestra and choir are the set, a gorgeously visual and aural backdrop with Jamie Platt’s lighting pinpointing the action and locations with emotional accuracy. Not to mention Adam Fisher’s crystal-clear sound that highlights every nuance of the score.



Above all, though, this show belongs to the performers. Jac Yarrow seizes the title role with ease and charm. In fine voice throughout, his comic timing also comes to the fore as he relaxes into the part. By the time he meets his love interest in Act Two, the humour soars almost as high as his falsetto. Lucie Jones, as the widow Catherine who eventually captures Pippin’s heart, is simply hilarious. The more the fourth wall breaks down, the more she milks it for comic effect, yet she touches our hearts when she steals a solo number. Zizi Strallen, as wicked stepmother Fastrada, takes sassiness to new levels, all high kicks and splits, and spellbinding dancing. Patricia Hodge plays the grandmother with a knowing wink – raunchy yet wise, grounded yet with a lust for life. She’s no singer but she sure has the mojo.

For a musical, the characters have a surprising number of dimensions, which the performers draw out with unabashed joy. Cedric Neal’s King Charlemagne is a gloriously comic tyrant, always poking fun at his own personality. The air is thick with the exhilaration that flows from the cast and ensemble. They all seem to be making fun of the show while celebrating it at the same time. And, boy, is it a celebration? Stephen Schwartz’ music and lyrics may not be high art, but the faultless singing ekes out emotions and meaning that past productions have sometimes failed to unearth. And at the helm is Alex Newell. Although not quite in charge of their insubordinate players who eventually rebel against the script, Newell is definitely in charge of this show. The power of their voice leaves no argument.

The billing of the show is inaccurate. “Pippin” is, in truth, fifty-two years old this year. So, it’s not strictly its 50th anniversary concert. But who cares? It’s not really a concert either. It is far more than that. It is an extravaganza.

PIPPIN IN CONCERT at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane

Reviewed on 29th April 2024

by Jonathan Evans

Photography by Pamela Raith





Previously reviewed at this venue:

YOUR LIE IN APRIL | ★★★★ | April 2024



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