Tag Archives: David Ruby

How to Date a Magical Creature

VAULT Festival

How to Date a Magical Creature

How to Date a Magical Creature

The Vaults

Reviewed – 23rd February 2019



“By the end of the hour-long performance, the format had become somewhat repetitive”


The Vaults as a venue promises a quirky and original viewing experience, while the play fitted perfectly with the venue’s vibe, it slightly missed the mark. Although not quite a laugh a minute, it was funny and quick witted.

Upon entering the space you see a keyboard in the corner of the room, the man on the piano performs gently while a heavy mist rolls in; some of the set is still being placed and you begin to question whether the play has already begun or if the venue staff haven’t noticed the audience enter? This casual approach to the performance continues throughout.

The premise itself is simple, this is a chat show hosted by one Toby Vanilla. The audience provides suggestions for magical creatures and the cast improvise a character based on the name. These can be existing fictional characters or something made up on the spot. In this instance, the show opened with the appearance of a Dalek.

Creating situations to explore, the host guides the improvisation that ensues. While no character particularly stands out, without a very capable actor playing the role of Toby Vanilla, the performance would fall apart. He engages with the audience, holding their attention, allowing the performance to adhere to some kind of structure.

There was no denying that the piece was at times comedic, with moments where the whole audience was in stitches, but it just not consistently funny. By the end of the hour-long performance, the format had become somewhat repetitive.

How to Date a Magical Creature was a mostly enjoyable performance with some very talented comedy actors. However, without some development in its format, it is not a show I would actively seek out again.


Reviewed by Gemma Bees


Vault Festival 2019

How to Date a Magical Creature

Part of VAULT Festival 2019




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